Friday, May 12, 2023

Your Heart’s Knowledge

Art by Catrin Welz Stein

 Self-Knowledge - by Khalil Gibran

“Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. 

But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge. 

You would know in words that which you have always know in thought. 

You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams. 

And it is well you should. 

The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea; 

And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes. 

But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure; 

And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line. 

For self is a sea boundless and measureless. 

Say not, ‘I have found the truth,’ but rather, ‘I have found a truth.’

Say not, ‘I have found the path of the soul.’ Say rather, ‘I have met the soul walking upon my path.’

For the soul walks upon all paths. 

The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. 

The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.” 

Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet

“If materialistic knowledge is power, it is not wisdom. It is but a blind force. Man has ‘sought out many inventions,’ but he has not yet found it true that knowledge can save him from the dire effects of knowledge.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 196:1-4

“God does not guide, because He can share only perfect knowledge. Guidance is evaluative, because it implies there is a right way and also a wrong way, one to be chosen and the other to be avoided. By choosing one you give up the other. The choice for the Holy Spirit is the choice for God. God is not in you in a literal sense; you are part of Him. When you chose to leave Him He gave you a Voice to speak for Him because He could no longer share His knowledge with you without hindrance. Direct communication was broken because you had made another voice.” 

A Course in Miracles T-5.II.5:1-7

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