Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Actuality of Being

We’ve often heard it said: It’s not what happens to us; it’s what we do with it. Many of us have impediments we believe are keeping us from freely going forward joyously in daily life. Dr. Gabor Mate is a man who has observed the effects of childhood trauma. He beautifully describes what we can do to break free of the circular events which follow us around after experiencing pain and fear, particularly in our younger years. These demons are not something to be ignored or covered up with things like drugs and distractions. They are to be faced in order to release them. For some people, it takes years of therapy, for others it’s the realization that they can be free right here and now. Everyone is different and that’s okay. The guilt we hold onto is as destructive as the pain we’ve experienced and keep reliving. Seeing what holds us in unhappiness is the key to finding joy. Let’s give ourselves permission to be happy! 

“The so-called pleasures and pains of matter perish, and they must go out under the blaze of Truth, spiritual sense, and the actuality of being. Mortal belief must lose all satisfaction in error and sin in order to part with them. Whether mortals will learn this sooner or later, and how long they will suffer the pangs of destruction, depends upon the tenacity of error.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 296:14-21

“To be wholehearted you must be happy. If fear and love cannot coexist, and if it is impossible to be wholly fearful and remain alive, the only possible whole state is that of love. There is no difference between love and joy. Therefore, the only possible whole state is the wholly joyous.⁵To heal or to make joyous is therefore the same as to integrate and to make one. That is why it makes no difference to what part or by what part of the Sonship the healing is offered. Every part benefits, and benefits equally.”

A Course in Miracles

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