Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Can Loss Be Measured?

No Words …

How do you measure loss? I’m not sure it can or should be done. Northwest Arkansas had tornadoes and strong winds over Memorial Day Weekend. A dear friend watched as four ancient oak trees were uprooted. Another woman who has withstood loss after loss in the past few years saw a tree land on her front porch, then slowly begin to crack her ceiling. Many were without electricity, which seems a minor inconvenience, but everything has its consequence. My heart cries with the trees and the birds who built their nests in them, searching for their lost babies. My soul applauds the neighbors who help each other remove branches from their houses and yards. Much is said about the resiliency of the human spirit, and we are witnessing that as neighborhoods come together to get through this.  I hear stories of people grilling dinner in their yards, as children help pick up debris and play together in the street. And so the loss seems like gain sometimes. The woman who loved and lost her oak trees said this: “As I was talking to the biggest ancient one, telling it how sorry I was that it had to go like this, we heard a strange noise. I looked all around and there wasn’t anyone there. We realized it was the tree making these strange sounds as if acknowledging our grief and adding its own. You will be missed my friends.”

“There is a light in you which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you. All things that live bring gifts to you, and offer them in gratitude and gladness at your feet. The scent of flowers is their gift to you.The waves bow down before you, and the trees extend their arms to shield you from the heat, and lay their leaves before you on the ground that you may walk in softness, while the wind sinks to a whisper round your holy head.”

A Course in Miracles W-156.4:1-4

“The sun, giving light and heat to the earth, is a figure of divine Life and Love, enlightening and sustaining the universe. The ‘tree of life’ is significant of eternal reality or being.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 538:11-14

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