Saturday, May 25, 2024

I Do Not Value Privacy

 Art by Olay Haidamaka 

We hear many statements regarding our right to privacy. This privacy which people value is more than giving out email addresses or putting photos on social media. People seem to value keeping their thoughts and beliefs private, their emotions secret, their inner-most desires to themselves. For the past decade or so I have bared my soul through this daily writing, not to mention the sharing I do on social media. I openly tell of my love as candidly as regurgitating my shame, probably eliciting comments from others of "too much information"! But that's okay, because by talking through times of turmoil, I heal my mind and heart -- hopefully giving someone else permission to do the same for themselves. I have numerous friends who are dealing with mental and physical upheaval. In talking with someone about their terminal illness, I openly examined the possibility of my own laying aside of this physical body. If that happens, it's okay with me. If I'm hanging around here a while, that's okay, too. But please know my life is an open book and I'm happy when/if you talk about me! Much love to all...

By Donna Ashworth

“In the untimely event of my death,

Immediately unwrap everything, 

you have kept for new, 

I will enjoy it in spirit with you.

Take out all your brightest colours 

and clash so hard, 

the sun is in awe of your light. 

I want you alive and present 

and rainbow-bright.

Eat cake.

And slather butter on your bread, 

this is the prize for not being dead.

Book a holiday, 

somewhere I said you must go 

walk to the forest, make it long and slow.

Watch everything grow.

Touch your face, touch your nose, 

you so often berate, 

marvel at how you arrived so late, 

to see its beauty. 

To see it daily now, is duty.

Set your watch, time is not yours 

but oh this life, it is

and it’s down to you,

how you chose to live,

this is the gift, my dying, will give.”

Donna Ashworth

"Life is deathless. Life is the origin and ultimate of man, never attainable through death, but gained by walking in the pathway of Truth, both before and after that which is called death." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 487:3

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