Friday, July 19, 2024

Surrounded With Beauty

Photo credit: Aaron Springston

The more tumultuous world activities become, the greater is my desire to be surrounded with beauty. Almost every day, I plant seeds of some sort, and my garden is a source of great joy. My cats are calm and happy, so I seek to emulate them. The accompaniment of beautiful music without words is with me during household tasks, and words of wisdom fill my earbuds many times during the day. Plant-based meal preparation is a calming, joyous event. Having repeatedly written about the exponential growth of our thoughts, I’m practicing what I preach, noticing every inharmonious thought which comes to mind, quickly turning it around into one of productive peace. A conscious desire to live in loving harmony seems necessary nowadays, and I’m willing to make that effort. Everyone I come into contact with is either actively living Love, or else they are agitated and fearful. I know it’s not easy to translate and reinterpret the news of the world, but it can be done. Namaste, my dear Friends!

“Beauty is a thing of life, which dwells forever in the eternal Mind and reflects the charms of His goodness in expression, form, outline, and color. It is Love which paints the petal with myriad hues, glances in the warm sunbeam, arches the cloud with the bow of beauty, blazons the night with starry gems, and covers earth with loveliness.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 247:21-27

“When you are still an instant, when the world recedes from you, when valueless ideas cease to have value in your restless mind, then will you hear His Voice. So poignantly He calls to you that you will not resist Him longer. In that instant He will take you to His home, and you will stay with Him in perfect stillness, silent and at peace, beyond all words, untouched by fear and doubt, sublimely certain that you are at home. 

A Course in Miracles W-182.8:1-3

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