Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Our Truth-Default

photo credit: Datura Böes

I'm reading Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell. This well-known author examines many common occurrences which we may not have thought about -- or even considered as being a "thing". The first book of his which I read was The Tipping Point. In it he looks at examples of thoughts about certain things spreading across our country and the world. For instance, he examined the near demise and resurgence of Hushpuppy shoes. They were on the verge of bankruptcy and then suddenly became all the rage after Greenwich Village people began searching for them in thrift shops and they became trendy. In his latest writing, which I am currently reading, he examines why we are unable to tell when someone is lying. We are given a number of stories to illustrate the points. Hitler was believed by Neville Chamberlain when they met and Hitler promised to not invade Czechoslovakia, yet Winston Churchill (who had not met Adolf in person) was certain that he was a liar and was going to do so. One of the conclusions reached is that people have a "truth default" which we resort to most of the time. Even in the face of obvious lies and manipulation, we will believe we are being told the truth because, from a survival standpoint, we do not need to identify lies as much as we need to be able to have efficient communication and trust in social encounters! This book is fascinating on many levels and it is part of my 2021 study goal, searching to understand why it is so terribly difficult to differentiate truth from lies. Please let me know if you have any reading suggestions for me!

"To be immortal, we must forsake the mortal sense of things, turn from the lie of false belief to Truth, and gather the facts of being from the divine Mind. " Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 370:2

Monday, January 4, 2021


New Year's Eve, 2021, Eureka Springs
photo credit: Richard Quick

Has anyone else been remembering things they haven’t thought about in years — if ever? Today I played the word “ditch” in Words With Friends and suddenly an offensive lyric from Barnacle Bill The Sailor song popped into my mind. I remembered the feeling of hearing it when I was little: the repugnance, the curiosity, the amusement. And many other events have come to mind which I thought had been put to rest. Is it the shift which is happening is causing these horrendous thoughts to feel so present within me? I don’t know, but every spiritual seer I follow tells us we are going to notice things occurring in new and wondrous or horrid ways, according to how we perceive them. This is, of course, an individual journey, but in my experience I find I must practice non-reactive behavior (and it’s more difficult than ever; I often fail). Focusing on love over fear and disgust is imperative from my standpoint, giving me the compassionate empathy needed to accept without condemnation. I shall continue to look for beauty in every instant, keeping my head out of the sand without it floating away into la-la land, while being ever aware of situations which can use my help — physically, emotionally, spiritually. It’s never been easy, but it seems dang near impossible right now!

"The material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and peace. The breaking up of material beliefs may seem to be famine and pestilence, want and woe, sin, sickness, and death, which assume new phases until their nothingness appears. These disturbances will continue until the end of error, when all discord will be swallowed up in spiritual Truth." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 96:12

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Move Your Hands; Calm Your Soul

I haven't felt like writing the past couple of days, but have found lovely writings of others' to pass on to you.

" Grandma how do you deal with pain?"

" With your hands, dear. When you do it with your mind, the pain hardens even more."

“With your hands, grandma?"

" Yes, yes. Our hands are the antennas of our soul. When you move them by sewing, cooking, painting, touching the earth or sinking it into the earth, they send signals of caring to the deepest part of you and your soul calms down.
This way she doesn't have to send pain anymore to show it.

" Are hands really that important?"

" Yes my girl. Thinking of babies: they get to know the world thanks to their touches. When you look at the hands of older people, they tell more about their lives than any other part of the body. Everything that is made by hand, so is said, is made with the heart because it really is like this: hands and heart are connected. Masseuses know this: When they touch another person's body with their hands, they create a deep connection. Thinking of lovers: When their hands touch, they love each other in the most sublime way."

" My hands grandma... how long haven't I used them like that!"

" Move them my girl, start creating with them and everything in you will move. The pain will not pass away. But it will be the best masterpiece. And it won't hurt anymore. Because you managed to embroider your essence."

~ Elena Barnabé

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Madly In Love


Aaron and Kailey

"May you fall madly in love this year ...in love with someone who unhinges your tired trajectory, in love with a spouse of several years who might be aching for lightning, in love with demanding children and crazy relatives ... in love with the particular pedigree of genius insanity that has perhaps claimed you in spite of your reluctance .. and certainly in love with an animal, a cloud, a redwood, the wild .. these at least once a day.

May you fall in love with this fragile jewel of a world, with hard work, real learning, just causes, petitioning and prayers. May you fall in love with wonder itself, with the grand mystery, with all that feeds you in order that you may live .. and with the responsibility that that confers.
May you fall in love with heartbreak and seeing how it's stitched into everything.
May you fall in love with the natural order of things and with tears, tenderness and humility. May this be a magnificent year for you.
May you fall deeply, madly, hopelessly, inextinguishably in love."

~ Rachelle Lamb: Poetess

Friday, January 1, 2021

A New Person


How do allegations of misconduct affect people, whether founded in truth or a malicious lie? We watched the 2019 Christmas special from Garrison Keillor, complete with his Prairie Home Companion entourage. I realized that this man is one of the best storytellers of all time. His delivery, his voice, the way he gives us outlandish details in an impromptu fashion, never boring us with these additions. But in the back of my mind, making itself known now and again, was the thought that he had been accused of sexual harassment. How could such a funny, friendly guy be a jerk? I examined it from many angles, and feel all right enjoying his show, although I won't forget he may be in disguise. I’m reminded of the ancient ritual of surrounding a wrong-doer and everyone recounting the good they know about the person. Anyone can become as innocent as the day they were born, make amends for the illusions which they perpetrated, and go forward as a new person. Happy New Year!

"Be not afraid. We only start again an ancient journey long ago begun that but seems new. We have begun again upon a road we travelled on before and lost our way a little while. And now we try again. Our new beginning has the certainty the journey lacked till now. Look up and see His Word among the stars, where He has set your Name along with His. Look up and find your certain destiny the world would hide but God would have you see." A Course in Miracles -C-ep.3.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Living, Loving, Changing


Photo credit: Aaron Springston

There’s an awesome BBC series entitled "Life", with David Attenborough as narrator. When viewing the perfection of all life blending together in exquisite harmony, I am inspired to be more attuned to this tapestry. Once again, we need only let loose the habitual behaviors, which we have practiced for years, in order to open ourselves to new-old ideas and realize why they are needed today. The first day of every year symbolizes a new beginning for us, as does waking up each day, birthdays, and many other momentous occasions we celebrate. We want to leave behind bad habits and acquire new, positive ways of life. The new year coming up offers incentive for big change in our daily lives and in the life of our earth. We are being called upon to help others survive as they face physical challenges not before seen in our lifetime. The earth is begging us to stop many behaviors which are not conducive to its well-being and that of its inhabitants. Let's not be afraid, nor be complaisant, in the coming days. There is work to be done, joy to be found, love to be experienced and shared. What an adventure lies ahead of us! 

"The so-called pleasures and pains of matter periish, and they must go out under the blaze of Truth, spiritual sense, and the actuality of being." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 296:14

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Bringing Light to Darness

When churches are in the news, usually it’s because they’ve done something racist, or selfish, or ridiculous. We hear about those things, but how often do we hear of the small churches doing great things? I just read an article about Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Greenwood, Mississippi. One woman said, “We’re not trying to be fake. We’re trying to fix Mississippi so we can say that we do love each other. If anyone ever wants to learn about race and how to overcome the problems we all face, come to Little Zion. We teach love.” There are many things to deal with in this little town: extreme racism and prejudice, the pandemic and its economic and social consequences, and the challenges of keeping their doors open when they must be closed. One person quoted Elie Wiesel, who was sent to a concentration camp when he was 15 and witnessed his father, mother, and sister’s death. His writing chronicling his ordeal is titled, “Night”, but night eventually gives way to dawn. As he said in his memoir, “Open Heart”: “Even in darkness, it is possible to create light and encourage compassion.” We, along with the residents of Greenwood, Mississippi, will continue to bring light to the darkness. To quote Mr. Wiesel again: “Even in exile, friendship exists and can become an anchor”. Namaste, dear friends...

​"The Church is that institution which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas..." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 582:14

New Today

Teachers of Love

Art by Jesse Stone “Return of the Bird Tribes” by Ken Carey is a book which was recently brought into my field of vision. A quote: “Awaken h...