Monday, September 9, 2013

September 10, 2013 - I Am

ACIM Workbook Lesson #253
“My Self is ruler of the universe.

Every day's lesson is leading us to the same end. We are learning that we have a choice. We can accept ourselves as limited humans, or we can learn to recognize ourselves as spiritual beings. How does this recognition come about? By continually turning away from the material picture and knowing the spiritual truth. It's easy to fall into the ego's trap of looking at the mortal situation and trying to turn it into something spiritual. And we, with our material thinking, cannot do anything but that. So let's stop analyzing and simply know a truth -- any truth which allows our mind to be cleared of the temptation to analyze and fix. Two times two equals four might work for you, but I prefer something like this: "I Am the infinite reflection of divine Mind". Whatever truth comes to you, clear your thought and then let go. Give it to God, if you will. Sit quietly and listen if you have a moment, or go about your business with a open heart. Live every moment in the conscious awareness of good. Let me know how this works out for you!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The pains of sense are salutary, if they wrench away false pleasurable beliefs and transplant the affections from sense to Soul, where the creations of God are good, "rejoicing the heart." Such is the sword of Science, with which Truth decapitates error, materiality giving place to man's higher individuality and destiny."
 Science & Health Page 265:31-5

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