Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 23, 2013 - Peace is a State of Mind

Photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #266
“My holy Self abides in you, God's Son.”

Peace is a state of mind. Sometimes we feel the epitome of peace in the midst of turmoil. At other times, we can be in an oasis of stillness but, due to our tumultuous state of mind, may be experiencing stress and upset. It helps me to know that we are all the "son of God". With this realization, I am able to see everything through the eye of divine Love. This is not to say that I'm always calm. Sometimes I forget I am the idea of God, and that everyone else is, too. At those times, who knows how I may be interpreting events! In a state of forgetfulness, I am at the mercy of material belief, being swayed by thought systems which were put in place long before my appearance in this world. But when I remember my holy Self, things appear differently to me. And there is peace. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“He that touches the hem of [the] Christ’s robe and masters his mortal beliefs, animality, and hate, rejoices in the proof of healing,—in a sweet and certain sense that God is Love”.

Science & Health Page 569: 11-14

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