Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 20, 2013 - Standing in Peace

"Light Confusion"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #354
"We stand together, Christ and I, in peace And certainty of purpose. And in Him Is His Creator, as He is in me."

Under any circumstance, it can be difficult to stand "in peace and certainty of purpose". When we fall into a rushed mindset, it's almost impossible to recognize that a peaceful state even exists! Recently I was hurrying to an appointment and needed to drop off something at the post office on the way. As the building came into sight, along with its limited parking spaces, I saw a woman getting into her car and preparing to pull out. Great! I'll pull right in and rush in and out, accomplishing my task. Well, this lady didn't pull out, but rather sat there and made a phone call. I must admit I thought some unloving thoughts toward her as I waited impatiently for her to move. Then suddenly I realized I knew her. Not only knew her, but she is one of my best friends! I had been in such a dither that I didn't recognize her, and I thought ugly things about her, and now was very sorry for all of it. Would I have felt differently if I hadn't known her? Hopefully not! I would like to think I would have awakened and stopped judgmental imaginings without the prompting realization that I knew and loved her. Thinking thoughts of unity, I have patience with all, as I pray they do with me, too. Once again, Namaste' …..

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The relations of God and man, divine Principle and idea, are indestructible in Science; and Science knows no lapse from nor return to harmony, but holds the divine order or spiritual law, in which God and all that He creates are perfect and eternal, to have remained unchanged in its eternal history."

Science & Health Page 470:32-5 

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