Thursday, October 27, 2016

Hearing Consciousness

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #301 “And God Himself shall wipe away all tears.”

People feel that someone is not reacting appropriately unless they cry profusely upon a loved one's death. They may even go so far as to say that the dry-eyed person isn't grieving, and that this will come back on them in various ways unless they release their sorrow through active sorrow. Kahlil Gibran had a life-long platonic love affair with a woman named Mary Haskell. When he died, she was peacefully smiling while greeting the mourners at his funeral. No one understood how this could be. At one point, she quoted words which he had written her: "You listen to so much more than I can say. You hear consciousness. You go with me where the words I say can’t carry you." How could she be sad when the love they shared had always been experienced through thought rather than physical expression? She understood what we are learning about the true reality of our Being.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Love propagates anew the higher joys of Spirit, which have no taint of earth. Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love.” Science & Health Page 573:28-2

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