Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Growth in Grace

I have a friend who has always been upbeat and positive, looking for ways to improve the world and those around him. He wrote to me the other day and said he guessed the Age of Aquarius was over and we hadn't fulfilled our destiny. He tells me he has given up on Love ever ruling human beings. He has given me cause to think about this deeply, questioning if I would or even could give up on everything. I know we are all born as pure as the energy which created us, and it is only a misunderstanding which would turn us away from that truth. Our daily life seems to dull our senses rather than opening us up to our abilities and strengths. Why do we not want to live in the highest good for all mankind? I think it's because we've decided that there's "my" truth and "your" truth, rather than Truth. With so much of humanity suffering at this time, it seems difficult to wish a happy thanksgiving day to anyone. But I'm going to do so anyway. Gratitude heals, Love heals, kindness is a choice I want to make, and you my friends are precious to me. And I am grateful...

"What we most need is the prayer of fervent desire for growth in grace, expressed in patience, meekness, love, and good deeds." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 4:3

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