Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Show the World All the Love in Your Heart

photo credit: Aaron Springston

When I was in high school and the first year of college, I was in the marching band. It was probably because of this that I became a fan of the football team at those schools. I truly cared how they played the game, and if they lost a big game, I cried. As far as the Razorbacks were concerned, we only played against Texas teams in those days and so the rivalry became state versus state, with them making rude comments about our parentage and backwardness. I quit marching band the first year and also stopped caring who won those games. It seems to me that many people think of political races in the same way they think of sports games: it doesn't matter about individual performances, sportsmanship, or who is best at what they do; it's simply us versus them and we need to win no matter what. I've never been one to jump up and down and support my candidate with the same fervor I supported football teams as a child, but I really wanted Suzie Bell to be our representative in the state legislature. It is disheartening to see people elected to offices simply because they belong to a certain party, or because they're a man, or for reasons which have nothing to do with the future of America. Let's all wake up tomorrow and find some good in the world, and look for ways to make that grow. This Carole King song will help with that. Namaste...


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