Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Joy Dissipates Anger

 I heard a most disheartening tale today. A young man who works with Kevin told him that he and his girlfriend had voted for the first time ever. And now they are afraid for their lives. Because of stories in the news and from individuals, they are stockpiling food and thinking about buying a gun and ammunition! To be afraid because of who you vote for in the United States of American is distressing, to say the least. It has caused me to think about things I'm seeing, and noting how potentially violent situations are handled and dissipated.

It seems that music and dancing are the best weapon to use in the face of angry shouting and violent threats. Also, simply observing madness and then going back to your job seems to be effective -- i.e., the person giving an update in front of the Las Vegas poll where votes were being counted. Someone came out and began shouting weird, angry words -- and everyone just watched him until he left. Then the speaker turned around and said, "Where were we?", and continued with the question/answer session. While I am concerned about first-time voters being frightened away from voting again, I'm concerned for all of us who wake up with nightmares of what could happen. Is it a collective consciousness bringing us these bad dreams, or perhaps the media feeding us horror shows 24/7, or maybe it's Aunt Mable babbling about what she heard from her caretaker. Whatever the case, I choose joy! Let's keep our vibrations going high and strong, shielding ourselves and everyone with the best armour possible: divine Love!

"Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity."  
Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 571:18

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