Friday, July 9, 2021

Forgiven and Understood


art by J. Clement Wall

"I can forgive but I'll never forget." How often have we heard those words? The realization that we're all doing the best we can in any given situation has been a freeing thought for me. Recognizing what is of value and what is valueless is a factor in forgiveness, also. Nothing is of value, if it's changeable and transient. ​True substance is that which does not change. Nothing else truly matters. I spoke with a distant relative who told me she was so sad that I “hadn’t had a chance to forgive my parents before they died”. I had to laugh, because no blame leaves nothing to forgive!

“The real world is the state of mind in which the only purpose of the world is seen to be forgiveness. Fear is not its goal, for the escape from guilt becomes its aim. The value of forgiveness is perceived and takes the place of idols, which are sought no longer, for their ‘gifts’ are not held dear. No rules are idly set, and no demands are made of anyone or anything to twist and fit into the dream of fear. Instead, there is a wish to understand all things created as they really are. And it is recognized that all things must be first forgiven, and then understood.” A Course in Miracles Chapter 30:V:1

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