Friday, November 12, 2021

A Satisfying Visit With Friends


Magnetic Springs Road - Eureka Springs, AR

Today brought a satisfying visit with a couple of nonagenarian friends who have been dealing with various health problems. The sweet woman had broken a hip and recently returned home from five weeks in the hospital and rehabilitation. Her husband has been having memory problems and recently was diagnosed with cancer. The visit was satisfying because my sweet female friend is doing so well — walking and laughing and trying to learn new things. (I took her a portable CD player so she can listen to books and she happily learned how to use it!) She is also a life-long student of Christian Science, although she hasn’t actively studied in many years. But once you know the principles of metaphysics, you look at life in a different way. She is sure in her understanding of her true being as the image and likeness of God — of Life, Truth, and Love. Her husband, on the other hand, is materialistic in his understanding of life. He is distressed and thinks his life is over and he wants to be done with it all. We are good enough friends that I was able to tell him about a time in my own life when I could have felt as he does, but I chose to be grateful for the things I could do, rather than being angry or sad over what I could no longer have. We talked about how great his life has been and still is! If anyone reading this feels helpless or hopeless, start a gratitude journal. Every day I’m thankful for the sunshine, or the butterflies, or my friends, or books — well, you get the idea. Allow yourself to feel joy in the little things. Life is Good…

“All the evidence of physical sense and all the knowledge obtained from physical sense must yield to Science, to the immortal truth of all things.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health 493:6-8

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