Friday, November 26, 2021



Tomorrow there is a wedding scheduled at the church where I play organ. We had rehearsal today and hardly anything went the way it was planned. As I watched mini-dramas unfold from my organ bench in the balcony, I was reminded of a recurring conversation my son and I had a few weeks ago. I'm not a big fan of planning; he thinks it's necessary. I'm sure we're both correct, as was shown by the events today. The priest was late because he didn't know there was to be a rehearsal. There was a glitch in the planning and so he had not heard. Many things were set up according to "usual" wedding protocol, but it turned out the priest and/or the wedding party didn't want it that way. So there had been some wasted effort in planning as things were changed at the last minute. The biggest faux pas was that the bride and groom didn't know they needed to get a wedding license! I'm not sure what category that falls into, but it added to the possible stress of the situation. Father Joseph speaks a number of languages in his native Nigerian accent, and he is delightful. When he entered the church 30 minutes late, he immediately began to work the room, putting everyone at ease, joking, and giving orders. Listening to his Spanglish (the wedding party are Hispanic, but most speak at least some English), was a fun and interesting activity. From my viewpoint up above, I hardly ever had any idea of what was going on, but I shall trust my intuition to carry us through the Spanish service tomorrow. It will be a lovely wedding...

“Spiritual sense, contradicting the material senses, involves intuition, hope, faith, understanding, fruition, reality.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 298:13-15

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