Friday, November 19, 2021

Nobody's Right, Everybody's Wrong?


November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse
unknown origin

Have you noticed it’s impossible to tell what people are pontificating about if they don’t mention names or political parties? When someone is adamantly against something, or self-righteously promoting their agenda, they sound pretty much the same. After realizing this, I’ve started looking at social media posts with an eye to identifying what people are really talking about. There is a forum called What’s Happening Carroll County which I notice occasionally. Today the topic was the Rittenhouse trial and acquittal. I read the comments on this topic and honestly could not tell who was glad he was released and who was not (unless they specifically said this). Everyone appears to have a firm idea of what is right and what is wrong, but the lines seem to be blurred in many cases. I’ve mentioned in the past that I try not to have strong opinions, because it closes my mind to anything else. It could be that we have all decided where we stand on certain issues and are willing to manipulate facts to fit what we believe. Some say that lunar eclipses bring about events which are part of the cosmic plan. Whatever is happening now, it feels important, so I'll pay attention. Namaste…

“Wrong-mindedness listens to the ego and makes illusions; perceiving sin and justifying anger, and seeing guilt, disease and death as real. Both this world and the real world are illusions because right-mindedness merely overlooks, or forgives, what never happened. Therefore it is not the One-mindedness of the Christ Mind, Whose Will is one with God's." A Course in Miracles - Clarification of Terms

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