Wednesday, December 21, 2022

True Colors

I cannot find the creator of this image

Did you know that the same color may appear to look different when placed on various background colors? I read an article about this which explained that the way we perceive a color is based on our education about color perception and how we've been conditioned to see it. Who knew?? As I struggled to grasp this fact, I realized it's the same with our perceptions of what reality is. Spiritual perception allows us to see beyond the seeming reality of our material senses. Interactions with others may be full of judgment and supposition when we look at situations with by-rote, learned behavior, and the immediacy of emotions. But Truth, which shines forth when we see from a spiritual perspective, allows for improved interactions with others. This is true because our human experience is the visible expression of our thinking. To see the world through the eyes of Love frees us to love as God loves: purely, without a skewed view of the color and fabric of everything we see. Now I know what the expression "showing your true colors" means!

"Thought will finally be understood and seen in all form, substance, and color, but without material accompaniments." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 310: 6:8

“True vision is the natural perception of spiritual sight, but it is still a correction rather than a fact. Spiritual sight is symbolic, and therefore not a device for knowing. It is, however, a means of right perception, which brings it into the proper domain of the miracle. A ‘vision of God’ would be a miracle rather than a revelation. The fact that perception is involved at all removes the experience from the realm of knowledge. That is why visions, however holy, do not last.” 

A Course in Miracles T-3.III.4:1-6

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