Monday, December 19, 2022

Why Wait For Joy?


Our true selves are the image and likeness of God. So why is there so much which seems to be unGodlike? Because God did not create matter. This human body we seem to reside in, to be inseparable from, is not our true self. When we declare our perfection as a child of God, that perfection has absolutely nothing to do with this material world we are living in. If God created everything and it is good, that cannot encompass the dual good/bad stuff we see around us. Our vision for today is to see with the eyes of our true Being. That true Being does not change. Reality does not change. Our true Selves, which are the image and likeness of the One, that which we all truly are, does not change. So what good does it do to realize that we're not what we see with our so-called mortal eyes? It brings us into harmony with what IS true. Declaring the Truth of our Being is more than just a mental exercise. By establishing this idea within our thought, we are finding the Truth which brings us back to where we began, and never leads us anywhere other than home, wherever in eternity that may be.

“Why should I wait, my Father, for the joy You promised me? For You will keep Your Word You gave Your Son in exile. I am sure my treasure waits for me, and I need but reach out my hand to find it. Even now my fingers touch it. It is very close. I need not wait an instant more to be at peace forever. It is You I choose, and my Identity along with You. Your Son would be Himself, and know You as his Father and Creator, and his Love.” 

A Course in Miracles W-355.1:1-8

"To divest thought of false trusts and material evidences in order that the spiritual facts of being may appear,--this is the great attainment by means of which we shall sweep away the false and give place to the true." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 423:8-12

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