Thursday, December 21, 2023

As Radiant as a Star

A lot has changed in the last couple of millennia, don't you think? We could spend hours listing changes in our understanding of the universe! Something which has not changed appreciably is our idea of God. Religion has pretty much held us locked in to what has been thought of as the truth. Many of us are fearlessly admitting that we are all, each and every one, the expression and experience of God. We're happily allowing our thoughts to embrace new concepts such as, "I am the light of the world"! This is not a self-important declaration, but an all-inclusive, divine-Love centered exclamation of the wonder we know as Life. Our burgeoning understanding is bringing a joy we never dreamed would be possible on this earth plane. We're starting to see that the kingdom of heaven is right here, within and without, waiting for us to embrace it. Let's go forth today and shine!

“Your will be done, you holy child of God. It does not matter if you think you are in earth or Heaven. What your Father wills of you can never change. The truth in you remains as radiant as a star, as pure as light, as innocent as love itself. And you are worthy that your will be done!” 

A Course in Miracles T-31.VI.7:1-5

“Accompanying this scientific consciousness was an other revelation, even the declaration from heaven, supreme harmony, that God, the divine Principle of harmony, is ever with men, and they are His people. Thus man was no longer regarded as a miserable sinner, but as the blessed child of God. Why? Because St. John’s corporeal sense of the heavens and earth had vanished, and in place of this false sense was the spiritual sense, the subjective state by which he could see the new heaven and new earth, which involve the spiritual idea and consciousness of reality. This is Scriptural authority for concluding that such a recognition of being is, and has been, possible to men in this present state of existence, — that we can become conscious, here and now, of a cessation of death, sorrow, and pain. This is indeed a foretaste of absolute Christian Science. Take heart, dear sufferer, for this reality of being will surely appear sometime and in some way. There will be no more pain, and all tears will be wiped away. When you read this, remember Jesus’ words, “The kingdom of God is within you.” This spiritual consciousness is therefore a present possibility.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 573:11-2 

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