Thursday, December 14, 2023

Seeing Thoughts

Photo from the Jane Goodall Institute

I’ve been looking at people, both in the news and in day-to-day life, and they all look exactly like their thoughts. The self-serving politicians look dull and bloated. The fake religious leaders seem plastic and polished. The sad people who feel victimized have a terrible vulnerability showing, frayed around the edges and a bit shaky in demeanor. I could go on and on. But the main point is that you can’t hide your thoughts. What we see is what is there. Now, I don’t mean tall, short, big, small, or any designation concerning what we think of as beauty. I mean what is either glowing or festering within the individuals. While I’m certain there are some exceptions to this rule, I haven’t noticed any since I began to pay attention. While it’s a bit frightening, it is also a wonderful tool when choosing who to represent you in public office!

“Seeing is no less a quality of physical sense than feeling. Then why is it more difficult to see a thought than to feel one? Education alone determines the difference. In reality there is none.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 86

“Today our purpose is to free the world from all the idle thoughts we ever held about it, and about all living things we see upon it. They cannot be there. No more can we. For we are in the home our Father set for us, along with them. And we who are as He created us would loose the world this day from every one of our illusions, that we may be free.” 

A Course in Miracles W-132.14:1-5

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