Monday, December 18, 2023

What Leads You?

Crescent Hotel - Eureka Springs. AR

“It is hard to steer a church in an age when no one is listening to the messages and call of the gospel.” This statement was made by a pastor I greatly respect. It has prompted me to think about what causes the majority of my friends to listen to their inner knowing, divine guidance, intuition — whatever they choose A call this cosmic consciousness of which we are all part. I know many fine people who are deeply religious, but that, in and of itself, is not enough to cause them to be compassionate. I watch as awakened, aware, conscious people handle difficulties in this world, and I learn what it takes to live from the heart, from an open mind, with Love reflected moment-to-moment. My conclusion is that we need not be led by sermons and gospel writings in order to live as the reflection, the image and likeness of divine Oneness. We have an ever-present ability to tap into expanding thought, and for this I am grateful.

“Our baptism is a purification from all error. Our church is built on the divine Principle, Love. We can unite with this church only as we are new-born of Spirit, as we reach the Life which is Truth and the Truth which is Life by bringing forth the fruits of Love, — casting out error and healing the sick. Our Eucharist is spiritual communion with the one God. Our bread ‘which cometh down from heaven,’ is Truth. Our cup is the cross. Our wine the inspiration of Love, the draught our Master drank and commended to his followers.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 35

“A major tenet in the ego’s insane religion is that sin is not error but truth, and it is innocence that would deceive. Purity is seen as arrogance, and the acceptance of the self as sinful is perceived as holiness. And it is this doctrine that replaces the reality of the Son of God as his Father created him, and willed that he be forever. Is this humility? Or is it, rather, an attempt to wrest creation away from truth, and keep it separate?”

A Course in Miracles T-19.II.4:1-5

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