Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 25, 2012 - Be Aware. Now is the Time!

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #115
Review of: "(99) Salvation is my only function here.
(100) My part is essential to God's plan for salvation."

Germany, 2006
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
I've been enjoying videos of the awesome BBC series entitled "Life", with David Attenborough  as narrator. When viewing the perfection of all life, how it blends together in exquisite harmony, I am often inspired in ways to be more in tune with this tapestry. Once again, we need only let loose the things we do by rote, leave habitual behaviors where we found them, in order to open ourselves to new-old thought, and experience where that takes us. Today my thought goes to sustainable farms, organic and pure food, happy animals, pesticide-free vegetables! How wonderful to go to farmer's markets and actually talk to people who grow our food. In the last fifty years, the production of food has changed so drastically that most of our young people have no idea where food actually comes from. And, in too many cases, we don't want to know. Every decision I make at the supermarket casts a vote for the process involved in its production. Every dollar I spend at a Farmer's Market also casts a vote. I don't really want to give my dollars to a corporation which give us food without Soul. I vote for food with Love. Everything I consume will be nurtured with Love. As I release all guilt, as I see that forgiveness is there for the realization of it, new worlds become visible. The New Earth has always been here. And now we're remembering and demonstrating that knowledge in a myriad of ways.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Now," cried the apostle, "is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation,"--meaning, not that now men must prepare for a future-world salvation, or safety, but that now is the time in which to experience that salvation in spirit and in life. Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleasures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in [the] Science [of the Christ]. To break this earthly spell, mortals must get the true idea and divine Principle of all that really exists and governs the universe harmoniously. This thought is apprehended slowly, and the interval before its attainment is attended with doubts and defeats as well as triumphs.”
Science & Health Page 39:18-30

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 24, 2012 - I Am Spirit. What does that mean?

A Course in Miracles Lesson #114
Review of: (97) I am spirit. (98) I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

"Mount Timpanogos"
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
Many authors and visionary thinkers have told us that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience. The acknowledgement that "I am Spirit" IS "accepting my part in God's plan for salvation"! The knowledge that we are Spirit and the understanding of what that means, this brings acceptance through demonstration of Truth and Love.  After writing about "rules" yesterday, today I, of course, have come upon two articles specifically about rules and have received one phone call where the caller was really questioning how understanding divine government allows us to be free. It seems change can be difficult. Perhaps this is why we find it hard to accept that we are so much more than we ever thought! We go along with the same behaviors, whether they're serving us or not, staying with the comfortable rather than opening ourselves to the field of all possibilities. For example, look how tied to the arrangement of our typing keyboards we are! I remember in the 1970s, IBM wanted to change the keyboard. They informed us it was not the most expedient  arrangement of letters -- not by a long shot!! They told us how many of the most-used letters were assigned to fingers which were typically used the least, such as the little and ring finger. And there would be other changes, too. Such as exchanging the question mark and the slash. Why do we need to use the shift key for something which is used so much more than the other symbol? This option of testing a new keyboard was given to those of us who were on record as having IBM Selectric typewriters. Their project was cancelled for lack of interest. With that story in mind, I will stay aware today, watching and listening for ways to transform existence through an awareness of my true Identity.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Question.--What is the scientific statement of being?
Answer.--There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.”
Science & Health Page 468:8-15

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 23, 2012 - Governed by divine Love

"Mongolian Morning"
photo by Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #113
Review of:
(95) I am one Self, united with my Creator.
(96) Salvation comes from my one Self.

[Marsha's thoughts]
Do you remember being taught why we have rules and why we must follow them? Looking around us, it would seem to me that having so many rules is counterproductive. Look at tax laws for a perfect example of why more is not always better! When we look to Spirit to guide and govern every action, there is no need for a multitude of laws to tell us how to and how not to do everything. For instance, laws which tell us how to and how not to love. There's a television series called "Big Love" which takes a look into the everyday lives of Mormon polygamists. In the United States, polygamy is illegal. When we see accounts of cruel men with 20 wilves and 100 children, it's tempting to agree with this decree. But when the beauty of deep Love is illustrated in a multiple-marriage situation, it seems not only plausible but admirable. As in any situation, love needn't be legislated. And this takes us back to those rules we are taught to live by, the laws which we will be punished for breaking. The government of ourself is not dictated by any material laws. We all know of situations where children, animals, all things living, are abused by others. It doesn't appear that making more laws keep such things from happening. What I see is that such behavior is impossible when we allow government by divine Love, God. When listening in this way, we can't help but be keenly aware of the "still, small voice".  It speaks to me as a peaceful feeling. If uneasiness is bouncing around in my chest, it's time to wonder why! So today I will be governed by my intuitive feeling which comes from listening through spiritual sense, at-one-ment.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Atonement is the exemplification of man's unity with God, whereby man reflects divine Truth, Life, and Love. Jesus of Nazareth taught and demonstrated man's oneness with the Father, and for this we owe him endless homage.”
Science & Health Page 18:1-5

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 22, 2012 - No strong opinions to get in my way

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #112:
[review of lessons 93 & 94]
Heather at Zion National Park
photo by Aaron Springston
"Light and joy and peace abide in me"
"I am as God created me."

[Marsha's thoughts]
I like to think I hold no strong opinions. It is one of the spiritual practices I have adopted in my quest to leave behind material beliefs and remain receptive to the spiritual facts which await the open mind and heart. And so it always comes as a surprise when I hold forth with one of these said opinions! Today presented such a scenario. A woman came into the gallery who had written on a public chat board that she would not be attending any more of the passionate drum circles in Basin Park because it was now sponsored by the Eureka Springs Downtown Network and that had ruined it for her. She began telling the story to someone within my earshot. Imagine my surprise when I jumped up on my high horse and said, And what do you have against the Downtown Network??!! And became embroiled in a difference of opinion with her in a matter of moments. It didn't last long. As soon as a thought came to mind which was really attacking her on a personal level, I immediately told her I was sorry and that I hadn't realized this topic was such a hot spot for me. This story is told now to illustrate how easy it is to forget that "light and joy and peace abide in me". And also how easy it is to choose again and turn a situation around. The next time I hear something to which I react strongly, I will examine it right then and there, asking myself why I feel that way, clearing away any vestige of darkness with which I reacted. In this clearing, I will remember that "I am as God created me", without self-righteous opinions cluttering vision and pushing away Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker."
Science & Health Page 475:13-22

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 21, 2012 - What is a miracle?

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #111
“#91: Miracles are seen in light. #92: Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.”

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
When I first read A Course in Miracles writings, I was bothered by the fact that they use the word "miracle" in this way. In Christian Science, I had learned to see that what we, as mortals, think of as a miracle is actually the demonstration of divine law. In most cases, when someone says "It's a miracle", this implies a setting aside of laws in order for something unbelievable to happen. It is assumed that God is intervening and causing things to occur which otherwise wouldn't have been. And so I would cringe when hearing this word, much the same as we often do with other words such as "sin", "repent", and perhaps "salvation". But I have come to see that ACIM is using the word miracle in much the same way as Mary Baker Eddy refers to it. It is the demonstration of divine Principle, seen by replacing material illusions with spiritual sense. This experience is referred to in Science and Health as being "not supernatural, but supremely natural". I love that we are seeing ourselves as complete beings, utilizing the so-called sixth sense in everyday life, and not being surprised when "miraculous" things happen! When we wash away the dust of material belief, the light of Truth can shine through, giving us strength where we before thought we were weak. The light of holiness and goodness, the light of God, gives us every right idea we need to advance in our individual way. We need not worry about which road to take when we trust our inner knowing, our intuition, our true Self.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God's unchangeable law."
Science & Health Page 135:6-8

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 20, 2012 - My True Self cannot be changed, damaged, hurt

Bryce Canyon
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #110
“I am as God created me.”
[Marsha's thoughts]
During a conversation with friends, someone asked me how I could have come through a particularly traumatic time without some form of therapy. I hadn't really thought about this, but only knew that I had accepted reality over illusion. The reality is that I am as God created me. The illusion is all the seeming-hurts and lies we may encounter which affect how we feel about ourselves and others. So let's say you have just found out about something which happened in the past. This something affects everything you thought you knew to be truth. What reaction would you have? Perhaps your initial response is anger. We say this is to be expected, because it is what we've experienced in the past and have accepted as normal: that anger is an expected reaction. With the realization that we are as God created us, we can see that this upsetting situation has absolutely nothing to do with our true Self. And the hurtful illusion can dissipate as mist hit by sunlight. In the same way as the mist changes into another form of what it is, our hurt feelings, our fears, can disappear into their native nothingness, being replaced with the Truth of Being. "I Am as God created me." Anything other than this true creation is changeable. Today I choose unchanging, eternal Truth!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow.”
Science & Health Page 259:6-9

April 19, 2012 - I need do nothing

Mongolian Sunset
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #109
“I rest in God.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
At a recent Course in Miracles meeting we discussed what it means to live the Course teaching, "I need do nothing". I find it correlates directly to most lessons in the workbook, but particularly so with today's! To rest in God frees us from all the planning and worry about possibilities. To give away all belief in and living from past experience clears the way for a more pure sight in which to know God, to know ourselves, to demonstrate Truth in our every thought and action. Although I find this spiritual discipline invigorating, not everyone feels the same. I know people who think they would be giving away their individuality if they let go of their personal history. They have a vague suspicion that listening to Spirit would be tantamount to some form of hypnotism, where their every move would be dictated by something that wants to use them for selfish benefit. I find the opposite to be true. When I lose a sense of personal responsibility, when I let go the beliefs I've had about certain circumstances, these acts, and more, enable me to replace the empty space where those beliefs before resided. This space is now free to recognize what was already there: Love. Divine Love. We cannot change God. That ever-presence is there no matter what we think about It. Only by relaxing into this infinity of Love can we give our every thought to Spirit, knowing that solutions and answers will be there when we need them. Because they are always there, if we but listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love. Jesus demonstrated the inability of corporeality, as well as the infinite ability of Spirit [God], thus helping erring human sense to flee from its own convictions and seek safety in divine Science"
Science & Health Page 494:15-19

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