Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Space Between the Thoughts

Utah - Photo Credit: Aaron Springston
The first time I heard the phrase “pray without ceasing”, I didn’t understand how that could be possible. When I learned that prayer was listening, not asking or telling, it started to seem more feasible to be in continual prayer. As I’ve discovered ways to know when my mortal mind is overruling the divine Mind, it’s become even more imperative to listen to intuition rather than my own often-misplaced logic. We get caught up in day-to-day activity, but a desire to fall into the space between the thoughts facilitates the ability to do so. A short moment while waiting for a stoplight to change can be a few seconds of deep meditation. A walk with the dogs is a perfect opportunity to stop extraneous thoughts and savor quiet peace. Any activity which allows our mind to stop its repetitive race — gardening, sewing, piano playing — is a moment of communion with All that Is. Let’s not wait for that perfect, quiet time to meditate and pray, when every moment affords an opportunity!

“Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers. Practice not profession, understanding not belief, gain the ear and right hand of omnipotence as they assuredly call down infinite blessings. Trustworthiness is the foundation of enlightened faith. Without a fitness for holiness, we cannot receive holiness” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 15:25

Monday, May 4, 2020

Trust Your Local Farmer

During these troubling times, we aren't sure who or what to trust. I am choosing to trust in our local farmers. We have been building relationships with them for years. We've watched their families grow, their farms expand, their vegetables become more abundant with the increases in  winter growing capabilities, along with changing planting and harvest techniques. Frequenting farmers markets has opened up a new food source for many, helping us turn away from pesticide-ridden crops and the fossil-fuel-guzzling shipments from thousands of miles away. They help us understand how to prepare nourishing food, how to plant our own small patches to supply our needs, allowing us to eat what is clean and has been produced with loving care. Small-scale food production is what most of us grew up with, and today it seems more important than any other time in our lives. I am grateful for each and every person who brings food to our tables and nourishes our spirit through the farmer's markets! Kudos to you!

"Nature voices natural, spiritual law and divine Love, but human belief misinterprets nature. Arctic regions, sunny tropics, giant hills, winged winds, mighty billows, verdant vales, festive flowers, and glorious heavens -- all point to Mind, the spiritual intelligence they reflect. The floral apostles are hieroglyphs of Deity. Suns and planets teach grand lessons. The stars make night beautiful and the leaflet turns naturally towards the light." Mary Baker Eddy, Science & Health Page 240

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Keep on Dancing!

Photo from my son's wedding last year
Yesterday I sent a video of the happiest song I know, by some of the happiest performers I've witnessed. The response has been heartening, with many of you telling me you're dancing and feeling joyful. My favorite is from a dear friend whose granddaughter lives in Costa Rica and will be celebrating her 8th birthday. They were asked to send a video of themselves dancing (or perhaps they are going to do a Zoom -- I'm not certain), but nevertheless, this close friend was a bit freaked out at the prospect and spent quite some time planning what to wear, how to dance, and what to dance to. After she read my "everybody dance" message, she sent me a video of her practicing. She thought it was full of bloopers and was hilarious, so she wanted to share. What I saw did make me laugh out loud a lot, as it was so joy-filled and free-spirited that I watched it more than once, simply to share in her happiness. This, dear friends, is what we're doing for each other and will continue to do: hold one another up with our light. There are times when even the most Pollyanna-ish of us can feel a bit helpless and/or sad. Let's not be afraid to scatter joy, even if we feel we look silly doing it! Donna proved that to me today. She thought of her dance as full of bloopers; I saw it as an act of Love equal to anything I've witnessed. Thank you, dear Friend!

"Who that has felt the loss of human peace has not gained stronger desires for spiritual joy? The aspiration after heavenly good comes even before we discover what belongs to wisdom and Love. The loss of earthly hopes and pleasures brightens the ascending path of many a heart. The pains of sense quickly inform us that the pleasures of sense are mortal and that joy is spiritual." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 265:23

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Get Up And Dance!

Aaron and Kailey's wedding
Today I wish you joy. To facilitate that fabulous feeling, I send you the happiest video I know. Get up and dance! 

Wishing you a day of digging in the dirt, riding in your car, chatting with friends, remembering that Love is all around. Happy Sunday everyone...


Friday, May 1, 2020

Science of The Christ

Moab - Photo credit: Aaron Springston
I have spent my life never fearing contagion, but for some reason, now I do. It could be social and other media; it could be overexposure to a material, fear-based way of thinking, or it could be I've let down my guard. Being raised in Christian Science, I saw healings of every kind, but never witnessed one within my own thought until after my children were born. Before that, it seemed unnecessary to spend every waking moment working to know the truth of our being, in the face of the great majority of people thinking erroneous beliefs are the law of the world. We think of material laws as being concrete, and spiritual truth as being ephemeral illusion. I was taught the opposite was true, but it seemed easier to go along with the crowd and believe what most everyone else thought of as fact. And so I did, until I had children and circumstances seemed to call for something more than medicine covering up causes for problems. So I had a sea change, moved to Eureka Springs, and began a concentrated study of the Science of the Christ. Then the children were grown and once again it seemed like too much trouble to study and work to keep Truth at the forefront of thought. I was wrong. And so I once again will work to keep thought stayed on spiritual creation rather than the material crapshoot we call life. Namaste...

"My weary hope tries to realize that happy day, when man shall recognize the Science of Christ and love his neighbor as himself, -- when he shall realize God's omnipotence and the healing power of the divine Love in what it has done and is doing for mankind. The promises will be fulfilled. The time for the reappearing of the divine healing is throughout all time, and whosoever layeth his earthly all on the altar of divine Science, drinketh of Christ's cup now, and is endued with the spirit and power of Christian healing." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 55:16

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Redefining Times

photo credit: Aaron Springston
The same internet which spreads misinformation and fear is a wonderful place to find peace, joy, and spiritual guidance in these days of uncertainty. After my morning meditation and reading, I like to be reassured by my favorite seers that there are others holding the light and encouraging us all to do the same. Today I spent some time with Jack Kornfield and his two-part talk entitled "A Steady Heart in Time of Coronavirus". He tells stories to reinforce his point and I found them stirring, yet profoundly peaceful. One statement he made is that the solidarity the world is exhibiting at this time is like nothing we have ever seen before. Thanks once again to the internet and mass communication we know what others are doing in every part of the world. I appreciate everyone who is giving us daily spiritual direction, including all the local ministers who are speaking directly to us from their homes and empty churches. Blake Lasater alway moves me with his pointed honesty, and Father Joseph Archibong retains his humor on his Facebook Live Feeds, giving his parishioners a buoy to grab onto when they are frightened. This week I begin playing for a recorded message from Presbyterian Pastor John Gibson and am looking forward to hearing his perspective. From late night TV hosts to Sunday morning preachers in small towns, everyone is doing their best to translate this new experience into words which will lift us above the lies and confusion. Thank you each and every one. Namaste...

"Men and women of all climes and races are still in bondage to material sense, ignorant how to obtain their freedom. The rights of man were vindicated in a single section and on the lowest plane of human life, when African slavery was abolished in our land. That was only prophetic of further steps towards the banishment of a world-wide slavery, found on higher planes of existence and under more subtle and depraving forms." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 225:29

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wandering Thoughts

[images from hippie peace freaks
facebook page]
It's almost May Day. I love all the romantic and pagan lore associated with this day, and have fond memories of celebrations in grade school. But somewhere in the back of my mind it's all mixed up with "ashes, ashes, all fall down", and then my thoughts go to pandemics. Holy cow, is no thought safe from this?? When I stop and ponder it, I suppose it's similar to seeing pregnant women everywhere when you're pregnant, or everyone has a white Honda Odyssey when you first buy one, or ... Well, you get the point. In writing that, I'm reminded of going into a local graphics place years ago. The woman working there told me that her twin sister was going into surgery that day and she always felt what her sister felt, so she was worried about feeling bad. I suggested to her that perhaps she could share feel-good feelings with her sister, rather than the other way around. She liked that very much, and we talked about ways to make that happen. So as my mind wanders thither and yon, I'm going to try to contain it and keep on the sunny side, the sunny side of life. Grab your coat and get your hat --- oops, wandering mind again! Have a beautiful day, friends...

"We weep because others weep, we yawn because they yawn, and we have smallpox because others have it; but mortal mind, not matter, contains and carries the infection. When this mental contagion is understood, we shall be more careful of our mental conditions, and we shall avoid loquacious tattling about disease, as we would avoid advocating crime." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 153:25

New Today

Teachers of Love

Art by Jesse Stone “Return of the Bird Tribes” by Ken Carey is a book which was recently brought into my field of vision. A quote: “Awaken h...