Self-help books talk of the many faces and facets of love. In divine metaphysics, there is no division in Love. Love does not judge. No one is more worthy of receiving than another. No one is more able than another when it comes to expressing Love. Despite its inclusive nature, Love may not appear to be a factor in the world we witness daily. We see love which is variable and hate that is solid, but we are learning the unreality of changing love and abiding hate. Reality is the Love which is God. A Course in Miracles workbook lesson #127 asks us to affirm this often today: "I bless you, brother, with the Love of God, which I would share with you. For I would learn the joyous lesson that there is no love but God's and yours and mine and everyone's.” Every instant when I catch a glimpse of this true Love is a moment to treasure!
“Perhaps you think that different kinds of love are possible. Perhaps you think there is a kind of love for this, a kind for that; a way of loving one, another way of loving still another. Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds nor levels, no divergencies and no distinctions. It is like itself, unchanged throughout. It never alters with a person or a circumstance. It is the Heart of God, and also of His Son.”
A Course in Miracles W-127.1:1-7
“With one Father, even God, the whole family of man would be brethren; and with one Mind and that God, or good, the brotherhood of man would consist of Love and Truth, and have unity of Principle and spiritual power which constitute divine Science.”
Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 469:30-5