Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013 - I Am God's Child

Principia at the Great
Wall of China
ACIM Workbook Lesson #191
“I am the holy Son of God Himself.”

This day's lesson is such a tender affirmation of who we are. We think of our limited body and brain as this child of God, and then we begin to question why we are so unlike the Source which we supposedly reflect. Let's expand our mind beyond human assumptions of creation.By accepting ourselves as the spiritual idea of God, we claim our birthright as the "holy Son of God". To accept that we are really, truly spiritual allows us to put aside limiting beliefs and see through the illusions which have been created for us. This new-old thought cleanses the murky lens of our sight and allows knowledge to replace beliefs. Then we see our perfection as an idea of divine Mind, and live in the light of Love
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Immortal and divine Mind presents the idea of God: first, in light; second, in reflection; third, in spiritual and immortal forms of beauty and goodness. But this Mind creates no element nor symbol of discord and decay. God creates neither erring thought, mortal life, mutable truth, nor variable love.”

Science & Health Page 503:20-25

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