Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 19, 2013 -Claim Peace!

"Utah Sunset"
photo by Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Lesson #200
“There is no peace except the peace of God.”

Peace is a spiritual attribute. While we may perceive it as changeable, that is only our material perception of it. When I walked into work yesterday morning, the temperature inside was 93-degrees. The air conditioner was doing nothing to cool things down. I got a bit testy and thought I had lots of reasons to feel that way. But ultimately, whatever is going on around us has absolutely nothing to do with how we feel -- at least once we are able to separate Truth from erroneous belief! Yet once we get into a space of chagrin, it can be difficult to exchange it for peace. True peace, the peace that is God, is ours right now for the accepting. We can't lose it, because it's eternal. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony. Truth will at length compel us all to exchange the pleasures and pains of sense for the joys of Soul.”

Science and Health Page 390:7-11

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