Friday, March 20, 2020

Helping Each Other

photo credit: Aaron Springston
One of the benefits of our newly-imposed solitary lifestyle is having the time to contact people we've been meaning to talk to. My new goal is to call two people a day, and let them talk as much as they want. In the olden days, we would sit on the front porch and visit with our neighbors. Back then, there weren't as many labor-saving devices as we have nowadays. We may not have had washing machines, but we didn't have as many clothes to manage either. Our phones kept us connected to the wall, with one person at a time on the other end (excluding party line members, of course!) -- but now we are connected to hundreds if not thousands of acquaintances every day. During these current days, we are called upon to help all humankind, beginning with just one person. Today I got a phone call from a sweet 90-something-year-old. Earlier in the week I sent her a card with butterflies on it, telling her I was thinking of her. She was so delighted when she received it that she called and we had a nice chat. She said the remembered the word "pandemic" from her school days, but never thought we'd experience such a thing. I assured her she wasn't alone in her thoughts and we talked about that a bit. So let's all reach out to others when we feel the urge. We never know who may need it!

"Divine Truth must be known by its effects on the body as well as on the mind, before the Science of being can be demonstrated. Hence its embodiment in the incarnate Jesus, -- that life-link forming the connection through which the real reaches the unreal, Soul rebukes sense, and Truth destroys error." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 350:24

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