Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Need to Grow

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Audrey Hepburn said, “To plant a garden is to believe in the future.” One of the things I’ve been doing in this past week of quarantine is to watch YouTube videos about gardening. As it’s been too rainy to get out and put seeds in the ground, I’ve been planning with Kevin and getting excited about possibilities. Also, it seems to be time to become stronger. I thank my friend, Ramona, for suggesting a breathing exercise which she practices. That has inspired me to get up and do chair exercises, led by a sweet couple on the internet. They can be found by looking for Hasfit (heart and soul fitness). You can find exercises for the infirm, for those already fit, or heavy-duty workouts designed for different purposes. Our friends at Fire Om Earth are leading twice daily yoga sessions, which can be found on their Facebook page. They are available all the time on YouTube, also. There are a multitude of documentaries designed to get us up and moving, both figuratively and literally. Tonight we watched “The Need to Grow”, about how we can and are changing the way we grow food. We are ready to make many changes in our lives, and this educational, inspiring film helps us to know how ready we truly are! Happy growing, everyone!

"Nature voices natural, spiritual law and divine Love, but human belief misinterprets nature. Arctic regions, sunny tropics, giant hills, winged winds, mighty billows, verdant vales, festive flowers, and glorious heavens -- all point to Mind, the spiritual intelligence they reflect. The floral apostles are hieroglyphs of Deity. Suns and planets teach grand lessons. The stars make night beautiful and the leaflet turns naturally towards the light." Mary Baker Eddy, Science & Health Page 240

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