Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Lothar, Remembered...

The Schäfers on their wedding day
Many of you know Lothar Schäfer. He lived in Fayetteville, was a professor at the University, and wrote two wonderful books concerning quantum physics. I first met him when he came to our metaphysical society and spoke about his first book, "In Search of Divine Reality - Science as a Source of Inspiration". Of course, I was very excited about this title and wanted to get to know more about this man's thoughts. Our mutual friend, Jim Young, made that possible by beginning a salon in which ten of us met once a month and deeply discussed some really cool topics (all the while enjoying fabulous food and plenteous wine). And then he wrote his masterpiece, "Infinite Potential - What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live." This book has a great story behind it, of how he heard a talk by Deepak Chopra, and when he asked a question, he was asked back stage for a chat. From which this book began. Lothar and I became fast friends, feeling certain, when we toasted a brilliant statement or momentous occasion, that our wine glasses rang clearer because of our connection. So I raise a glass to you this evening, you dear, sweet man. I'll visit you often, through your writings. And thanks for the memories!

"Behind the visible surface of things is the infinite ocean of possibility. Its waves are so beautiful and inviting. "What a wonderful world," Louis Armstrong sings. What a wonderful life, in which the playful waves in the cosmic ocean dare you, tease you, and play a game of hide and seek with you, all the time hoping that you will catch one and turn it into a beautiful poem, a painting, a song, or a wonderful act of human kindness." Lothar Shäfer - Infinite Potential - What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live

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