Thursday, March 26, 2020


photo credit: Aaron Springston
Today my emotions are so conflicted, I'm going to send you something from September of 2011, written shortly after I began blogging these ideas. Love to all!

How sublime it is to know I need nothing but the Truth! All worry and anxiety disappear when I'm not chasing something illusive which I can't quite name. Oh, sure, we may put lots of names on this je ne sais quoi -- names like success, fame, marriage. The list of personal fulfillments desired can be quite long. We are even encouraged to make these lists, to create affirmations surrounding them, to hold them in thought until they become realities in our existence. At this point, I must quote a Bible verse: "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven [not forgetting another verse which tells that kingdom is within us] and all these things shall be added unto you." So let's set aside material desires, just as quickly as we turn from fears. When these desires are no longer with us, the void left by them cries to be filled, and it's tempting to just let the old, outgrown expectations come back in. Today I choose to look only toward the Truth we are learning to recognize; to want nothing else; and to listen confidently for where that takes me.

ACIM Lesson #251

“I am in need of nothing but the truth.

​I​ sought for many things, and found despair. Now do I seek but one, for in that one is all I need, and only what I need. All that I sought before I needed not, and did not even want. My only need I did not recognize. But now I see that I need only truth. In that all needs are satisfied, all cravings end, all hopes are finally fulfilled and dreams are gone. Now have I everything that I could need. Now have I everything that I could want. And now at last I find myself at peace.”

[ACIM prayer for today]
“And for that peace, our Father, we give thanks. What we denied ourselves You have restored, and only that is what we really want.”

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