Sunday, August 30, 2020

Aghast at Nothingness

photo credit: Aaron Springston
In between feelings of contentment and peace, I am sometimes blindsided with questions about people's behaviors and reactions. When you see beautiful instances of people exhibiting their highest good, then see the opposite in the next instance -- well, it gives pause. In this world where we want to analyze everything and find answers to questions we don't even know how to ask, it's tempting to become angry in the face of divisive behavior, bullying actions, and accusations from those who should know better. But let's not, okay? I'm terribly tired after three days of an online nationwide duplicate bridge tournament. It was wonderful to lose myself in the world of cards, with nothing to think about but the coziness of something I know so well. I was reminded of a favorite book, The Solitaire Mystery. A man is alone on an island with a deck of cards, and he plays solitaire all the time -- until his cards disintegrate from use. So he begins to imagine the deck. And then one day they come marching over a rise and he's meeting his friends face to face. I always loved that book for its questioning of reality and blending of possibilities. Have a good week, Friends...

"We may well be perplexed at human fear, and still more astounded at hatred, which lifts its hydra head, showing its horns in the many inventions of evil. But why should we stand aghast at nothingness?" Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 563:4

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