Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Same -- Here, There, and Everywhere

Stock photo - Shangri-La Resort, Pakistan
Bob Woodruff is a journalist who was a war correspondent. During that time, he was severely injured while covering the conflict in Iraq. He and his son now have a show called “Rogue Trip”. They travel to war-torn areas and show us the beauty and wonder of those lands. We watched one about Pakistan tonight and were totally blown away by the people and beauty of the land. They were welcomed by residents who are peaceful and loving, wanting to show everyone that they are not warlike and terroristic. One of the places they visited was the inspiration for the fictional Shangri-la. And it seems most of the people in the mountains of Pakistan are healthy and happy, living simply and abundantly. I was once again reminded of how similar we are, no matter where we live. While we hear about turmoil, right next door is beauty and peace. I am holding to the fact that the majority of people are honest, kind, and compassionate. Let’s notice goodness today and acknowledge it in others whenever possible!

"Unselfish ambition, noble life-motives, and purity -- these constituents of thought, mingling, constitute individually and collectively true happiness, strength, and permanence." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 58

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