Thursday, August 20, 2020

Hope for Tomorrow

I have never enjoyed political conventions, but I loved the last four days of the Democratic push toward the presidency. It brought tears and laughter many times, along with a pride in our country which I had forgotten how to feel. How fine to hear actual ideas rather than blustering, selfish words. It was a joy to hear plans based on ideas which were backed up by education, knowledge, science, virtue, morality. What do you care about? Is it good enough to hold the status quo and continue barely surviving, or do we want to make some changes in our lives and our government and go forward into new and better ways of living? I know my answer. I'm sure you, too, have examined your innermost feelings and know what you want for our country. Respect for each other, without shouting rhetoric and outlandish beliefs, shown in real conversations without thinking everyone is out to get us and we must attack first -- this is my hope for future dialogues between the American people. I feel an honest hope for tomorrow. I hope you do, too!

"I am asked, 'What are your politics?' I have none, in reality, other than to help support a righteous government, to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself." Mary Baker Eddy Miscellany 276:23

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