Monday, August 3, 2020

The World in Our Backyard

quote from Auguries of Innocence
by William Blake
Most of the world is familiar with Rick Steves, because he has been everywhere and taken us with him, via his travel show. With the restrictions going places, he has had to rethink his life’s purpose, and he’s come up with some wisdom we can all take to heart. He has an article in the latest Atlantic, where he talks about discovering his own backyard. He is visiting places close to home, noticing small things he’s never paid attention to, and found a world he knew nothing about in cooking! I hope we’re discovering things about ourselves and our world. Sitting and watching insects, birds, the stars — it’s magical! Sometimes I feel like Horton [who] Hears a Who, being absolutely certain there’s a whole world on a speck of dust. Life is good...

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