Monday, August 17, 2020

Just Tell The Truth

photo credit: Aaron Springston
When was the last time someone told you a blatant lie? Did you know it was a lie because of the way it sounded, or was it something you knew for a fact was untrue, and, if so, did you question the person about what they said? I’ve never understood lies. Our current political situation causes me to think that people must really believe they are telling the truth, because it doesn’t seem possible anyone would make up things which are so harmful to our nation. Confusion seems to be the name of the game nowadays, with conspiracy theorists competing for the most ludicrous lies to promulgate. If we hear something which sounds too crazy to be true, it probably is. Let’s all be cautious in our retelling of things we hear. They could simply be a ploy to keep us at odds with each other. Listen closely and love one another. Namaste...

"Grace and Truth are potent beyond all other means and methods." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 67:23

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