Friday, August 14, 2020

Have a Good Day

photo credit: Aaron Springston
How often have you heard someone say something like: It's been a bad day? I agree we can perceive events as being bad for us, personally, but to blame the day? Our interpretation of what causes a day to be good or bad is interesting, too. I remember when I ran an art gallery, often people would come in and say, Have you had a good day? I most always would enthusiastically say, Yes! And often they would say, Oh, I'm so glad you made lots of sales! And then I'd have to tell them, No, I didn't sell many pieces, but it sure was a fun day! So now, in mid-August of this interesting year, many people are feeling down, tired, disheartened, perhaps frightened. If I defined this day by some things, I would say it was a bad day. For instance, I didn't care for any of the acts on America's Got Talent, I played sloppy bridge online, I learned that a friend died, I didn't feel like writing, or even reading. But, on the other hand, I put together a super good tuna salad for the weekend, the watermelon Kevin brought home is great, a local writer posted a fabulous tribute to Eureka Springs on Facebook today which has kept me smiling much of the day, my cilantro plants are sprouting, my cats are beautiful and happy, we have a project to help a sick fox and this brings us joy, a group of women I love will be having an outdoor gathering before long -- well, my point is, there are always many things we can point to which make our days "good" or "bad". It's all about where we put our attention. Namaste...

"Your influence for good depends upon the weight you throw into the right scale. The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable. Evil is not power. It is a mockery of strength, which erelong betrays its weakness and falls, never to rise." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 192:22

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