Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Don't Waste a Good Crisis

St. Patrick's Day in Eureka Springs - PC: Richard Quick

As we go through the day, words and actions we witness make an impact on us. Today I heard Miten, Deva Premal’s husband, say this is the time for compassion, creativity, devotion to positive change. He advised us to not “waste a good crisis”! I love that, don’t you? Crises seem to be the impetus which force us to a better place than where we were. I could name numerous times in my personal life when I was urged upward and onward through sadness and fearful circumstances. And the second thing which struck me today was reading about a woman in Philadelphia who lived near where the strangely-named proud boys were going to have a rally. The people of the area got together and had a fun fair in the park where the men planned to gather. There was music, games, happy clowns, balloons, children, animals — beautiful, joyous people were everywhere doing what happy people do! The gun-toting men who showed up seemed confused and wandered around briefly before leaving. Let’s do that today and everyday, when we meet any sort of derision. We need not be afraid when bringing Love to the table, no matter what the event!

"Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health page 571:18

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