Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Translating Our Thoughts

Photo Credit: Dale Johnson

There seems to be much to fear these days. My son lives in Colorado and the fires are visible from his house. The political races are escalating in their vitriol, and it's easy to jump up and down and stamp our feet in protest or agreement. The virus infections rates are rising and people are reacting in various ways to the isolation of the times. Yet according to a Gallup poll, 56% of people are happier now than they were four years ago.  Of course, other polls tell us that suicide rates are up and chronic depression is at an all time high. I've long held to the thought that physical circumstances have nothing to do with happiness and contentment, and now this view is being put to the test. How do you feel compared to four years ago? Ten years? Many things bring us joy, but it doesn't seem money is one of them. The contentment of being in a safe, cozy home with a cat or two and a nice man is enough for me to feel better every day. But in the back of my mind there plays a little video of fires and facism and fury of various sorts. Worrying about these events is sort of like praying for something bad to happen. And so when I think of these things, I'll translate them into their harmonious counterpart and visualize that as a prayer. May you find peace today in the quiet spaces between your thoughts. Namaste...

​"Error of thought is reflected in error of action. The continual contemplation of existence as material and corporeal -- as beginning and ending, and with birth, decay, and dissolution as its component stages -- hides the true and spiritual Life, and causes our standard to trail in the dust." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 550:15

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