Sunday, October 25, 2020

What Did You Say?

Clear and concise communications have been on my mind today. Of course, we have miscommunication for many reasons: perhaps we don't listen closely, maybe the person speaking doesn't order their thoughts in a manner which can be easily understood. Perhaps someone doesn't want us to understand, and so they talk in double-speak or circular, unformed thoughts. It is easy to mislead, and it is easy to misunderstand. We must do a better job of conveying our thoughts and hearing others' words. When writing, I'm often reminded of the difference in meaning which punctuation can make. For instance: "Woman, without her, man is nothing." Or this: "Woman, without her man, is nothing." The way we speak that sentence makes a huge difference in conveyance of thought, demonstrating the power of the comma, whether on paper or in words. I recommit to asking questions to make sure I know what is going on around me, and I will strive to be a clear thinker in this world of muddled communications and purposeful misdirection. We're all in this together, and most of us truly want to feel the unity which is our natural state. Namaste...

"In sleep we do not communicate with the dreamer by our side despite his physical proximity, because both of us are either unconscious or are wandering in our dreams through different mazes of consciousness." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 82:13

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