Monday, October 5, 2020

Most Of Us Are Kind and Helpful

Suzie Bell fixing her neighbor's roof

Growing up, I don't remember being around people who held themselves above everyone else; people who thought the world revolved around them and had no consideration for others. Maybe it's faulty memory, but it seems as though everyone was considerate of other people. Maybe that's only because my parents were kind and helpful. Everyone who lives on my street is kind and helpful. Everyone I know well is, also. These things cause me to truly believe that most of the world's population lives by the "golden rule", to treat others the way you want to be treated. Yet we hear of just the opposite, constantly, from media of various sorts. In our circle of friends, there are those who save dogs and cats, provide free medical treatment for those in need, and work tirelessly for causes which improve the world and its living creatures. We are energy, and that energy can be described in many ways, but my favorite is Love. God is Love, and we are that reflection. Anything other than that truth is an illusion created by lost children. We can help them return to Love by bombarding them with it, no matter what.

"The serpent of God's creating is neither subtle nor poisonous, but is a wise idea, charming in its adroitness, for Love's ideas are subject to the Mind which forms them, -- the power which changeth the serpent into a staff." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 515:6

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