Sunday, October 4, 2020

Heroes, Then and Now

Who are your heroes? After watching the movie Hidden Figures, which tells how three women were integral in getting the United States space program off the ground, my heroes are every woman who has continued to do her best in the presence of ugly racism. This movie helped me to realize the depth of prejudice and the senselessness of racism and sexism. Every time this understanding reaches a deeper level within me, it becomes more difficult to understand its origins. How did we become a society which looks down on someone because of their skin color, gender, or social standing? Social standing, what the heck does that even mean? I look forward to the day we see people for who they are, appreciating qualities such as kindness, intelligence, integrity, morality, creativity, and such. And my heroes today, specifically, are the women who are running for political office, speaking truth to lies, showing us what kindness and integrity mean through their actions, those who walk the talk. Suzie Bell comes to mind first and foremost. Saying these words remind me of other heroes I see every day. I think I'll write them notes telling them so, because they probably don't know how valued they are!

"Ignorance, pride, or prejudice closes the door to whatever is not stereotyped." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 144:25

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