Friday, October 2, 2020

Namaste, Mr. Trump...

Colorado Fall - photo credit: Aaron Springston

Today someone said to me that she felt as though we are living through a Shakespearean play. I replied that I did, too, with added elements of many dystopian science fictions books. Our president is now in the hospital with the virus which is sweeping the world. Throughout the past years, I have come to expect hyperbole and fibs to flow from this man’s mouth, and so my first reaction upon hearing he had tested positive was that he is probably faking symptoms in order to avoid prosecution for the multitude of crimes which are coming to light faster now than ever before. My first reaction was not sympathy, as it would be for anyone else, and for that, I am sorry. It feels like a failure on my part that I have reacted this way. When I stop to think about that, I could name any number of reasons why I am not sorry for my lack of compassion, but it doesn’t really matter. I am judging another human being who has been crying out for love his entire life. It’s not my job to try to change him, but it is my job to give him the love he thinks he does not have. Unbeknownst to him, he’s always had this divine Love which permeates eternity, surpassing the limited love we feel in this third dimension. There is much to be corrected within myself, and this writing is the beginning of my work toward that end. Namaste, Mr. Trump...

"The wrong done another reacts most heavily against one's self. Right adjusts the balance sooner or later." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 449:7

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