Friday, September 2, 2022

Translating, Understanding, Communicating


Translating words from one language to another can be difficult. I read a column which is dedicated to words, their origins, and usage. They told an amusing anecdote recently about the old adage “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. An online translating program turned this phrase into: “the vodka is good, but the meat is rotten.” Ha!! It often seems as though the people to whom we are speaking hear things in a very different way from what we meant to convey. Perhaps we should say: Now, repeat that back to me. Actually, I’m pretty sure a great many people quit listening as soon as they think they know what you are going to say. Their brains jump into respond mode and they have no true understanding of what you are trying to convey. Translations, listening skills, critical thinking ability, communicating clearly — whew! With all these factors involved in a conversation, perhaps it’s no wonder we mistake others’ intentions. This is yet another reason I love the practice of divine metaphysics. We are learning to live in the present, and that includes listening in the now. Happy communicating to everyone on this beautiful September weekend!

“Laws must be communicated if they are to be helpful. In effect, they must be translated for those who speak different languages. Nevertheless, a good translator, although he must alter the form of what he translates, never changes the meaning. In fact, his whole purpose is to change the form so that the original meaning is retained. The Holy Spirit is the Translator of the laws of God to those who do not understand them. You could not do this yourself because a conflicted mind cannot be faithful to one meaning, and will therefore change the meaning to preserve the form.” A Course in Miracles T-7.II.4:1-6

“The compounded minerals or aggregated substances composing the earth, the relations which constituent masses hold to each other, the magnitudes, distances, and revolutions of the celestial bodies, are of no real importance, when we remember that they all must give place to the spiritual fact by the translation of man and the universe back into Spirit. In proportion as this is done, man and the universe will be found harmonious and eternal.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 209:16-24

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