Thursday, September 22, 2022

Truth Will Stay Forever

San Francisco - photo by Aaron Springston

I’ve been pondering the difference in belief and understanding. Some people are blindly following leaders, while others have the questioning attitude which insists on answers. Do we practice by-rote actions or make thoughtful decisions based on evidence? These things, and more, are brought to mind when I witness what people do. It seems we see a lot of mean-spirited actions  — for instance, making rude comments about people, and poking fun in various ugly ways. Some folks have the belief that God has ordained how things should or should not be done. And what of habits we’ve fallen into, without questioning if they are necessary or productive — or even fun! Well, there certainly is much to think about, isn’t there? One thing I do know: When I wake up and meditate and do some deep thinking and study, the day goes smoothly and unfolds joyously. When I wake up and listen to reports of people’s crazy behavior before I’m centered, everything seems difficult. With a rocky start to the day, I’m not mindfully aware and may misplace things, or perhaps become irritated over nothing (or something!). Since I know I can’t change that guy over there, I will wake up tomorrow and do my best to not be foolish. Namaste...

“Life, Truth, and Love are the realities of divine Science. They dawn in faith and glow full-orbed in spiritual understanding. As a cloud hides the sun it cannot extinguish, so false belief silences for a while the voice of immutable harmony, but false belief cannot destroy Science armed with faith, hope, and fruition.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 298:2-7

“For faith brings peace, and so it calls on truth to enter and make lovely what has already been prepared for loveliness. Truth follows faith and peace, completing the process of making lovely that they begin. For faith is still a learning goal, no longer needed when the lesson has been learned. Yet truth will stay forever.” 

A Course in Miracle T-19.I.15:2-5

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