Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Supply is Giving


Unknown photographer

I love the teachings of Joel Goldsmith, and many mornings I will open up one of his books at random. This morning, I picked up “A New Concept of Supply” and immediately saw this sentence: “Supply is not getting; supply is giving.” He goes on to tell us that giving is not necessarily monetary, but it could be giving UP something, such as jealousy, hatred, or anger. Concerning money, he says sending out a dime into the world with the attitude of giving freely, with no thought for recognition or someone’s gratitude, is the key to starting the flow of supply. This is a tough concept for many of us, because we’ve been taught that the more we give, the less we have. We have a feeling that there is not enough to go around and we must hold on to everything we can get. In developing the consciousness of supply, we first must realize that supply is invisible and infinite; it is Spirit. It can be difficult to grasp the concept that giving is getting (and it’s actually more a releasing of thought than a grasping of it), but once the flow begins circulating, it’s easier to “take no thought...”, as Jesus recommended time and again. 

“The belief that money and property constitute supply has been accepted for so many years that most people rely on them for their security; and then when, through the devaluation of the currency or through a world-wide depression or for some other reason beyond their control, billions disappear, they feel that their world has collapsed. Students of spiritual wisdom must come to the realization that they have no supply outside their own being, that supply lies in something that cannot be known through the physical senses: Supply is the Infinite Invisible.” 

Joel Goldsmith

“Today we practice with the special case of giving and receiving. We will use this simple lesson in the obvious because it has results we cannot miss. To give is to receive. Today we will attempt to offer peace to everyone, and see how quickly peace returns to us. Light is tranquility, and in that peace is vision given us, and we can see.” 

A Course in Miracles W-108.6:3–7:5

“In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and the fishes, — Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science and Health Page 206 : 15-18

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