Tuesday, April 2, 2024

As You Are Created …

To deal with physical ailments, there are many healing modalities we experience and/or hear of every day.  Some seem to be no more than masking symptoms, some work to find the cause of our distress and eliminate or change it, and others we classify under the heading of miracles because we don't understand their basis. Through the study of the Science of the Christ, I have learned that illness and the healing thereof is facilitated by a change in thought. It is bringing your thinking into alignment with the truth of our being. This truth is that I am as God created me. With the realization that anything other than this is illusion, we are able to see through the veil into the actuality of our true being. To deny physical symptoms of disease is not to ignore them; it is to see them for what they are: a universal belief in separation from God. By understanding this, we can also release any guilt we may have in regard to the situation. By focusing on what is rather than what isn't, we are learning to understand God — to Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love. If a situation comes up in which I'm tempted to express irritation, I will think: I Am as Love created me. If I don't understand something, I will think: I Am as Mind  created me. What a beautiful day this will be!

"Question: What is the scientific statement of being?

Answer: There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 468:8-16

“True light is strength, and strength is sinlessness. If you remain as God created you, you must be strong and light must be in you. He Who ensured your sinlessness must be the guarantee of strength and light as well. You are as God created you. Darkness cannot obscure the glory of God’s Son. You stand in light, strong in the sinlessness in which you were created, and in which you will remain throughout eternity.”

A Course in Miracles W-94.2:1-6

Monday, April 1, 2024

Freeing The Light

Happy Bee on Coneflower

Some days it's difficult to know that “light and joy and peace abide in me” [ACIM Workbook Lesson #93] During one of those times, I watched a documentary called "Queen of the Sun". In this film about bees, we are told that pollen is materialized light. I love that, don't you? When thought of in this way, it seems possible that we, too, are materialized light. As the reflection of divine Love, that's exactly what we are! The movie also describes how the bee's light is freed through blocks of honeycomb, exquisitely shared with all as sweet, beautiful honey. And yet again, the light is freed through the illumination of beeswax candles. The freeing of light is cumulative with the bees, and we can experience the same thing as we unshackle the light and peace and joy within ourselves. Another lesson from the bees is the importance of community. Watching them working together for a common cause is uplifting and inspiring to me. It makes me want to join with my neighbors and do something important. But wait -- I'm doing that! What blesses one blesses all. My awakening to light and joy and peace is yours, too. Bees, people, trees -- as an idea of divine Mind, we're all in this together!

“Light is a symbol of Mind, of Life, Truth, and Love, and not a vitalizing property of matter. Science reveals only one Mind, and this one shining by its own light and governing the universe, including man, in perfect harmony.."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 510:27-1

“Salvation requires the acceptance of but one thought;—you are as God created you, not what you made of yourself. Whatever evil you may think you did, you are as God created you. Whatever mistakes you made, the truth about you is unchanged. Creation is eternal and unalterable. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. You are and will forever be exactly as you were created. Light and joy and peace abide in you because God put them there.” 

A Course in Miracles W-93.7:1-7

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Light And Strength Are One

Photo courtesy of Aaron Springston 

I read an article in which people were questions about spirituality and religion. Most of those interviewed thought of themselves as spiritual but not religious, and the few self-proclaimed religious people were mostly looking for a sense of community and fellowship. A sense of inclusiveness was often mentioned in the answers. People apparently are looking for a spiritual group which will accept them as they are, without trying to change them. Many spoke of doubt, stating they needed groups of like-minded people to help them in times of loss and fear. It seems so simple for everyone to live together in Love, being kind  and helping each other. Apparently it is not. Long-held beliefs cloud our vision and we fearfully try to pull others into our illusions. Today I will try to see the light of miracles everywhere I look, refusing to be pulled into darkness, even in jest.

“Strength comes from truth, and shines with light its Source has given it; weakness reflects the darkness of its maker. It is sick and looks on sickness, which is like itself. Truth is a savior and can only will for happiness and peace for everyone. It gives its strength to everyone who asks, in limitless supply. It sees that lack in anyone would be a lack in all. And so it gives its light that all may see and benefit as one. Its strength is shared, that it may bring to all the miracle in which they will unite in purpose and forgiveness and in love.”

A Course in Miracles W-92.5:1-7

“As a material, theoretical life-basis is found to be a misapprehension of existence, the spiritual and divine Principle of man dawns upon human thought and leads it to "where the young child was," --even to the birth of a new-old idea, to the spiritual sense of being and of what Life includes. Thus the whole earth will be transformed by Truth on its pinions of light, chasing away the darkness of error."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 191:7-15

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Light Is Crucial

Eureka Dogwood
Photo from Richard Quick

What am I? This question has been asked from the beginning of recorded history -- and probably longer. Spiritual seers inform us that we are not a body. So if I am not a body, what am I? Intellectually, we can say that we are the reflection of God. We can tell ourselves and others that we're not material, we're spiritual. Then we'll stump our toe and declare that we can't be blamed if it hurts because we're not walking on water yet. We make jokes to explain why we aren't living the precepts which Jesus tells us are our heritage as children of God. But really, why is it that we've been so stunted in our realization of what all this means? Actually, we're not evolving slowly. There is no evolution involved in spiritual awakening, there is only getting rid of material belief and dogma. What we're doing now is cleaning the windowpane so the light has a transparency to flow through, rather than thousands of years of grime hiding our illumination. What are we? We're finding out more every day -- but that doesn't mean we have to wait a certain amount of time to learn a set amount of liberating facts in order to experience this light. That's the miracle! 

"Divine Science rolls back the clouds of error with the light of Truth, and lifts the curtain on man as never born and as never dying, but as coexistent with his creator."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 596:11-19

“It is important to remember that miracles and vision necessarily go together. This needs repeating, and frequent repeating. It is a central idea in your new thought system, and the perception that it produces. The miracle is always there. Its presence is not caused by your vision; its absence is not the result of your failure to see. It is only your awareness of miracles that is affected. You will see them in the light; you will not see them in the dark. To you, then, light is crucial. While you remain in darkness, the miracle remains unseen.”

A Course in Miracles W-91.1:1–2:2

Friday, March 29, 2024

Book Clubs Saving the World

I’ve mentioned my book club a number of times in past writings. We are a group of women who have met for almost two decades, with a book as the center of our monthly discussion, but really that’s just a reason to get together and enjoy each others’ company. Some of us think logically from the standpoint of science, and some live intuitively from the heart. We have teachers, a yoga instructor, a veterinarian, businesswomen, farmers, a librarian — actually, a single definition isn’t enough for any one of these women. They are multi-talented and diverse. We have incredible discussions and enjoy one another more than I can say. While I think this group of women could solve all the problems of the world — and actually feel like we do that every time we get together! — I believe this feeling comes because, despite our various opinions, we all live from Love. Everything we do is guided by something larger than what our human reason can encompass. As I think about them and bask in our friendship, I will remember that problems come from a belief in separation, and I thank these women for helping me to feel whole. Namastè ~~~

“Let me realize today that the problem is always some form of grievance that I would cherish. Let me also understand that the solution is always a miracle with which I let the grievance be replaced. Today I would remember the simplicity of salvation by reinforcing the lesson that there is one problem and one solution. The problem is a grievance; the solution is a miracle. And I invite the solution to come to me through my forgiveness of the grievance, and my welcome of the miracle that takes its place.” 

A Course in Miracles W-90.1:2-6

“Human reason and religion come slowly to the recognition of spiritual facts, and so continue to call upon matter to remove the error which the human mind alone has created.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 173:25-28

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Illusions Replaced By Truth

The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, tells us he rehabilitates dogs and trains people. He observes that dogs live in the moment. When he is helping people to understand a dog which seems maimed by past experiences in its life, he always tells us that feeling sorry for the animal is of no benefit. How can this be? The dog is hurting and we're being asked to deny that? Yes!! This is why we are learning that it's necessary to give up all beliefs -- not just those we deem to be "bad", but all material beliefs. By letting them go and replacing them with an openness of thought which allows us to hear the Truth of our Being, we experience the miracle which is the natural order of Life. It may not seem logical to say that we can simply release feelings of fear and anger. These emotions appear very real to us, but if we step back and examine them, do they have any purpose other than to bind us to the past? One dog which Cesar worked with was afraid to walk on any floor without a carpet, because it had once gone sliding into a glass door. Upon investigation of its people's reactions, they had immediately reinforced the dog's fears by petting, commiserating, and talking about what a horrible experience it had been. They were holding the dog in fear by acts they thought of as compassion. What Cesar explains is that dogs live in the moment, unless they're held in the past by everyone around them. I’m so grateful for every experience which helps me to discern between belief and reality -- especially when it's shown to me by a dog!

“When an accident happens, you think or exclaim, 'I am hurt!' Your thought is more powerful than your words, more powerful than the accident itself, to make the injury real." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 397:12-16

“Let miracles replace all grievances. By this idea do I unite my will with the Holy Spirit’s, and perceive them as one. By this idea do I accept my release from hell. By this idea do I express my willingness to have all my illusions be replaced with truth, according to God’s plan for my salvation. I would make no exceptions and no substitutes. I want all of Heaven and only Heaven, as God wills me to have.”

A Course in Miracles W-89.3:1-6

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Let Me Be An Empty Vessel

Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater

Many of life’s experiences are humbling. Through them, I learn to admit that I know nothing; it gives me opportunities to say that I’m wrong about an opinion. I’ve gone through phases in the last 70 years when I didn’t want to admit either of these things, but now I am willing. On this beautiful spring day, join me in having no strong opinions and allowing beliefs to dissolve. Let’s see what shows up when we are an empty vessel, listening for Spirit to fill us! 

“In choosing salvation rather than attack, I merely choose to recognize what is already there. Salvation is a decision made already. Attack and grievances are not there to choose. That is why I always choose between truth and illusion; between what is there and what is not. The light has come. I can but choose the light, for it has no alternative. It has replaced the darkness, and the darkness has gone.” 

A Course in Miracles W-88.1:2-8

"There is no material truth. The physical senses can take no cognizance of God and spiritual Truth. Human belief has sought out many inventions, but not one of them can solve the problem of being without  the divine Principle of divine Science. Deductions from material hypotheses are not scientific. They differ from real Science because they are not based on the divine law."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 273:2-9

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Painting by Carol Dickie Snowy Night  by Mary Oliver “Last night, an owl in the blue dark tossed an indeterminate number of carefully shaped...