Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evasion of Truth Cripples Integrity

I love to watch Dancing With the Stars. People step outside their comfort zone and dance, practice hard, and often change their lives. In the years I’ve enjoyed this show, I’ve never seen anyone who has no natural rhythm advance beyond the first week or two — until now. Sean Spicer came on the show and was easily the worst dancer, seeming to be an early elimination prospect. But he is still in the competition, when five others have been sent home. Why, we all wonder? Well, Trevor Noah has given us the answer. Through a series of interviews on Fox News and Mr. Spicer’s own advertisement, we see how he is manipulating the system. He has told people how to cast votes more times than they normally could, and urges people on the west coast to vote even before they’ve seen him dance. He has turned this competition into a pitiful parody of what it’s been for the past 20+ seasons. Why is it so important for him to win? He has given interviews on Fox stating that this is for the “cause”, and that Democrats think they’re better than everyone else and people should vote for him, making his appearance on the show into some sort of convoluted political stand. Good grief. What have we come to? When voting and results can be manipulated through a person or group, it makes me wonder about those buying into the story as much as those telling it. What has become of our integrity? Where does the madness stop? It stops with us, you and me, right now. Namaste... 

"Evil which obtains in the bodily senses, but which the heart condemns, has no foundation; but if evil is uncondemned, it is undenied and nurtured. Under such circumstances, to say that there is no evil, is an evil in itself. When needed, tell the truth concerning the lie. Evasion of Truth cripples integrity and casts thee down from the pinnacle." Mary Baker Eddy 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

It's the Small Stuff

photo credit: Gerry Toler
The magic of a single day is magnificent! For instance, I came home the other day and Kevin gleefully told me it had been the best day of his life. Fun and interesting things had been happening around him all day. I kind of feel that way about today! On this chilly, rainy day, life was bursting forth at every turn. It could be said that our fall leaves are rather lackluster, but on this gray day the leaves glowed. People seemed different -- somewhat raw in their emotions and words. It felt really real out there today! It's the little things, don't you think? Seeing the last rose shivering at the end of October, watching friends gather together with heartfelt caring for each other, lifting a glass and sharing food -- what a joy to be present in each moment! When things seem mundane, or difficult, or overwhelming, start noticing the moments and hang on tight! 

"Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences, by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love." Mary Baker Eddy 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Giving is Supply

Apple Stock Image: The Gift
I love the teachings of Joel Goldsmith, and many mornings I will open up one of his books at random. This morning, I picked up “A New Concept of Supply” and immediately saw this sentence: “Supply is not getting; supply is giving.” He gos on to tell us that giving is not necessarily monetary, but it could be giving UP something, such as jealousy, hatred, and anger. Concerning money, he says sending out a dime into the world with the attitude of giving freely, with no thought for recognition or someone’s gratitude, is the key to starting the flow of supply. This is a tough concept for many of us, because we’ve been taught that the more we give, the less we have. We have a feeling that there is not enough to go around and we must hold onto everything we can get. In developing the consciousness of supply, we first must realize that supply is invisible and infinite; it is Spirit. It can be difficult to grasp the concept that giving is getting (and it’s actually more a releasing of thought than a grasping of it), but once the flow begins circulating, it’s easier to “take no thought...”, as Jesus recommended time and again. 

“The belief that money and property constitute supply has been accepted for so many years that most people rely on them for their security; and then when, through the devaluation of the currency or through a world-wide depression or for some other reason beyond their control, billions disappear, they feel that their world has collapsed. Students of spiritual wisdom must come to the realization that they have no supply outside their own being, that supply lies in something that cannot be known through the physical senses: Supply is the Infinite Invisible.” Joel Goldsmith

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Appeal of Horror

photo credit: Richard Quick
Halloween is always fun because of playing dress-up and eating sweet stuff. But what of the horror phenomenon? I have never enjoyed being scared or tricked, so that part of this time of year has never held appeal to me, and I’ve been wondering why we have this obsession with zombies. We have quite an invasion here in Eureka Springs, and I’m content to have been out of town and missed last weekend’s influx. I suppose people like the idea of being dead but continuing to walk about in these bodies, going on and on while our decrepit selves try not to fall apart. I find no appeal there either - my goodness!  Perhaps we can act out our fears of other things, such as “invasions” and death, working through the things we dread or don’t understand. I hear that our U.S. Center for Disease Control issued advice on how to survive a zombie apocalypse, and it was meant to prepare our citizens for a pandemic outbreak of any type. I’m not sure how all this ties together, but it’s what I’ve been pondering today. Please feel free to post your thoughts to the blog (website link is below). You don’t need to sign in to do so! 

"The fact that the Christ, or Truth, overcame and still overcomes death proves the 'king of terrors' to be but a mortal belief, or error, which Truth destroys with the spiritual evidences of Life; and this shows that what appears to the senses to be death is but a mortal illusion, for to the real man, and the real universe there is no death process." Mary Baker Eddy 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Mom Loved Baseball

Bryan and Anita Havens
circa 1931
My mom was a baseball fan. She followed the St. Louis Cardinals and talked about the players with her friends. After I left home and lived in Fayetteville, she came to spend a few days at my house. My roommate was a baseball fan, too, so she and my mother spent some time watching games. Imagine my surprise when Brenda told me that my mother knew nothing about baseball! I was dumbfounded, and a bit embarrassed. This dear woman was a joyous ball of energy. She had a great laugh and rarely walked when she could run. But as children sometimes do, I didn’t realize how fabulous she was. She wore bright clothing and a flower in her hair, when my friends’ moms were non-descript. She painted doors bright red with black spots and gold doorknobs. She was happier than any other mom I knew. Looking back on her lack of baseball expertise, I see how cool that was! She enjoyed watching the players, cheered when they hit the ball (not caring if it was foul or fair), and was ecstatic when they made the playoffs. I wonder if she even knew what that meant? It didn’t matter! Sophia Anita Bravo Havens loved life! What I'd give to watch a game with her...

"Fed by Thy love divine we live,
    For Love alone is Life;
And life most sweet, as heart to heart
Speaks kindly when we meet and part."
Mary Baker Eddy 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Your Mind

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Some metaphysical folks like to point out how disease is brought about by certain of our behaviors — i.e., jealousy causes cancer and other such beliefs. One of the reasons I love Christian Science is the idea that there is no individual, mental cause for disease; it is a universal hypnotism which we have accepted and from which we must free ourselves. In other words, we may be jealous or dishonest, but there is no need for condemnation; we need but understand how to free ourselves from these universal beliefs. We do this through the knowledge that these traits or behaviors are not a part of the real you, and that to whatever degree you are expressing negative qualities of mind and body, that is the extent you have allowed world beliefs to be imposed upon you. First of all, stop condemning yourself for what you see as bad, and begin to see the reality of You. Then your mind can become a clear transparency for Mind, God, to flow through. If this seems complicated, be assured we shall revisit  this topic often! 

"We should blush to call that real which is only a mistake. The foundation of evil is laid on a belief in something besides God. This belief tends to support two opposite powers, instead of urging the claims of Truth alone. The mistake of thinking that error can be real, when it is merely the absence of truth, leads to belief in the superiority of error." Mary Baker Eddy 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Acceptance ...

I know a woman who compliments others so much they become embarrassed. She does it to such an extent it seems as though it may be a form of ridicule. I’ve been paying attention when she does this to me and a couple of other people. At first, I thought perhaps she wanted friends, then I thought she may want compliments herself, then I thought she might be compensating for being a rather hateful person — well, I’m not sure why this behavior is occurring, but I’ve begun to converse with her the same way I would anyone with an outlandish view of any kind: I ask her questions. It seems she has been ostracized by her children, she has never had a job, and she has a strong sense of being better than everyone, hence she thinks everyone is jealous of her. Wow! How interesting it is to listen to folks rather than avoiding them because they make you uncomfortable! Every time I think of her, I shall send her Ho’oponopono. 

"Make fast your learning now, and understand you but waste time unless you go beyond what you have learned to what is yet to learn. For from this lowest point will learning lead to heights of happiness, in which you see the purpose of the lesson shining clear, and perfectly within your learning grasp." A Course in Miracles

Sunday, October 20, 2019

I Do Not Know What Anything Means

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Today I’ve been pondering the difference in belief and understanding, blind following of leaders and the questioning attitude which insists on answers, by-rote actions and thoughtful decisions — all this and more are brought to mind when I hear of the things people do. Many of these disturbing actions fall under the category of making fun of others — for instance, making rude comments about political leaders, often dressed up as memes and other “witty” stuff. Some folks have the belief that God has ordained certain things which should or should not be done. Then there are always habits we’ve fallen into without questioning if they are necessary or productive or fun. Well, there certainly is much to think about, isn’t there? One thing I do know: When I wake up and meditate and do some deep thinking and study, the day goes smoothly and unfolds joyously. When I wake up and get involved in outside influences before I’m centered, everything seems difficult: I’m not mindfully aware and may misplace things, or become irritated over nothing (or something!). Since I know I can’t change that guy over there, I will wake up tomorrow and do my best to not be foolish. Namaste...

“When your peace is threatened or disturbed in any way, say to yourself: I do not know what anything, including this, means. And so I do not know how to respond to it. And I will not use my own past learning as the light to guide me now. By this refusal to attempt to teach yourself what you do not know, the Guide Whom God has given you will speak to you. He will take His rightful place in your awareness the instant you abandon it, and offer it to Him.” A Course in Miracles 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fact Checking

photo credit: Aaron Springston
What will it take for us to stop attacking each other? I am terribly tired of people posting preposterous things to Facebook. I have "unfollowed" most of these dear people, so I don't have to see it, but a few (such as in-laws in Springdale), I still allow on my newsfeed because I want to see photos of the kids and keep up with their lives. But I just saw a photograph, supposedly of Congresswoman Omar in training with al-qaeda. It was very easy to check the veracity and origins of this silly claim. There were five fact checking sites which all said it wasn't her in the photo and the "facts" were fiction. Let's all be smart enough to not repeat such things. If it sounds too ridiculous to be true, then google it and see what's up. Nevertheless, what's going on with us? Why can we no longer communicate with each other? Why don't our elected officials work together for the good of our country? Must we always take sides and throw nasty things at each other? I think not. I've made one new conservative friend in the last month. I think I'll try for one a week! 

"God is Father, infinite, and this great truth, when understood in its divine metaphysics, will establish the brotherhood of man, end wars, and demonstrate "on earth peace, good will toward men." Mary Baker Eddy 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Let's Do This Together

I read an anecdote about an elderly man who was trying to pay for his groceries at the store. He had a bag of change that he was counting out to pay for his purchases. He kept messing up the count and was getting nervous. His hands began to shake. The people waiting in line were sighing and acting impatient. The lady checking him out gently put her hands over his and said, “Let’s do this together.” After he left, one of the customers thanked the cashier for her kindness, to which she replied: “You shouldn’t need to thank me. We all just need to love one another.” What a beautiful little story! In the hustle and rush of daily life, we may forget to help each other. Mindful awareness will bring us back to noticing where we may be of help, and what blesses one blesses all...  

"Love for mankind is the elevator of the human race; it demonstrates Truth and reflects divine Love." Mary Baker Eddy 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Triggering Each Other's Wounds

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Relationships are assignments made with the purpose of triggering each other’s wounds. These wounds are mainly from childhood, and we’ve probably been replaying a version of them all our lives. In order to have maximum growth, we must face them and heal them, which cannot be done unless they’re opened up and brought to the surface. And so we meet someone, fall in love, have a mountaintop experience, then trip and fall down the hill. From that point, we can work on climbing back up, or stay where we’ve landed. In the exhilaration of romance, we have seen the truth of each other’s innocence; after a while, we get to see each other’s messed-up-ness. We may look at it in a sacred context and recognize the spiritual meaning and purpose, or we can focus on the hurt and allow our egos to separate us. Whether we live together in bodies, or live separately but remain together in heart, it makes no difference, as relationships are of the mind. I keep reminding myself that all crises are an invitation to rise to the occasion. It’s quite a trip, don’t you think?

"The holy relationship, a major step toward the perception of the real world, is learned.  It is the old, unholy relationship, transformed and seen anew.  The holy relationship is a phenomenal teaching accomplishment. In all its aspects, as it begins, develops and becomes accomplished, it represents the reversal of the unholy relationship.  Be comforted in this; the only difficult phase is the beginning.  For here, the goal of the relationship is abruptly shifted to the exact opposite of what it was.  This is the first result of offering the relationship to the Holy Spirit, to use for His purposes." A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Every Thought Is Important

Many of my writings have to do with our connectivity and the blessing of all by that of one. This web of consciousness came to mind when I heard the U.S. president say that what happens in Syria doesn’t matter here. Actually, the first thing I thought about was how years of throwing away plastic bags (which seemed an inconsequential act) has turned into an integral part of a huge environmental crisis. That, of course, led thought to all the other ways we can turn away from horrendous happenings and declare it has nothing to do with us, or say we can’t do anything to stop it, or simply cry and tell our friends how awful whatever it is may be. Everything affects everyone and everything else! Even if I have no physical resources to affect change in the way Melinda Gates is doing, there is a part I can and will play. Every thought is important. Will mine be on the side of Love, finding solutions to imbalances, or will they feed fear and hatred, weighing us down? As Marianne Williamson repeatedly says: When hatred is shouting, it’s not enough for love to whisper! 

"Truth has no consciousness of error. Love has no sense of hatred. Life has no partnership with death. Truth, Life, and Love are a law of annihilation to everything unlike themselves, because they declare nothing except God." Mary Baker Eddy 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Indoctrination or Education?

What is the difference in indoctrination and education? This question comes to mind because of people saying kids are being indoctrinated in Islam in schools, when (it seem to me) they are simply teaching history. Does separation of church and state mean we cannot learn about other people in our country? Are we so jaded and fearful we think it’s indoctrinating children if they even hear about what someone else believes? Gosh, I hope not. How can I understand why my neighbor on one side finds my barbecue grill abhorrent, while the one across the street wants to slaughter goats in his yard, feeling stifled because the city won’t allow it? We all have things we like and don’t like; and some of us have strictures placed upon us by religion, government, ancestors. Education is the most important factor in learning compassion, realizing what is ethical and moral, and understanding how to get along with others. Let’s not be so frightened of our children being exposed to things we believe to be wrong, but let’s do think more about teaching them what is right.

"The present codes of human systems disappoint the weary searcher after a divine theology, adequate to the right education of human thought." Mary Baker Eddy 

Opening the Petals of Purpose

photo credit: Aaron Springston
A short documentary has been made about a ship, the SS Quanza, and the 83 mostly Belgium Jewish people who were trying to enter the United States in 1940. Many ships had been turned away at that time, with hundreds of their passengers returned to their homeland for extermination. This ship’s youngest passenger, Annette Yachmann, is still living and enjoying a happy life teaching writing at a community college in New York and being a grandmother. She recalls the horror of being trapped on the ship, but is grateful that she was with her mother. She is vocally rebelling against the treatment of children who are separated from their parents as they attempt to enter the United States. The maker of this film, Laura Seltzer-Duny, tells of Eleanor Roosevelt’s extraordinary efforts to bring these people into our country. She also documents the efforts of others who were integral in the humanitarian effort, including a married couple who were lawyers and used maritime law to stalls the ship’s return to Europe. The movie is called “Nobody Wants Us”. It was made with the hope of educating people on the plight of immigrants and the historical fate of those turned away. I spoke yesterday of education being essential in creating compassion. This is a perfect example. We all have purpose, and this filmmaker has certainly discovered hers! 

"Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear." Mary Baker Eddy 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Doublespeak - What is Truth?

I read a rather long article about Friedrich Nietzsche today. It seems everyone, no matter their political persuasion, can make a case that he is writing just for them, supporting their views, and inspiring them to further heights of egotistical thought. While reading this, other instances came to mind of how we take songs and/or books and twist them into our own. I was talking to an uber-conservative and she mentioned the song, “For What It’s Worth” and how it perfectly expressed what she felt about the current political scene. Well, darn, that was “our” song! It came out in 1966 and was thought of as a protest song, beloved by hippies and free-thinkers. Here is a verse:

There’s battle lines being drawn. 
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong. 
Young people speaking their minds, 
Getting so much resistance from behind. 
It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound? 
Everybody look what’s going down.”

The same thing happened with the novel 1984. I hear that white supremacists think it is supporting their stand. Orwell’s use of the term “doublespeak” seems to jive with “alternative facts”, and somehow everything is turned around to fit anyone’s point of view. From 1984: “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” 

I always thought truth was obvious, as were lies. Perhaps I, too, have been brainwashed into misunderstanding. I shall examine this... 

"The question, 'What is Truth,' convulses the world. Many are ready to meet this inquiry with the assurance which comes of understanding; but more are blinded by their old illusions, and try to 'give it pause.' 'If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.'" Mary Baker Eddy

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dream, Dream, Dream...

ceramic creation by Ken Starbird - Dreams
Sleeping dreams are interesting things, don’t you think? As a child, I had a two recurring nightmares, and can still remember the feelings when I think of them. During the years I had to wake up early without the luxury of hitting a snooze button, I don’t remember many dreams. Now that I can wake up and go back to sleep for a while, I have more lucid dreams where I can think about what’s happening and even have some control of events. Many of my friends interpret their dreams and find meanings which extend to daily life. I don’t consciously do so, but often the nighttime events come back to thought during the day, and sometimes they seem to tell me to be aware. Then again, we should always be awake to events around us and intuition within us, so I rarely feel they are a portent of doom or goodness. I look forward to fun dreams where I get to visit with loved ones long gone from material sight. What do you dream about? Do you enjoy the experience? I hope so...  

"...Is there any more reality in the waking dream of mortal existence than in the sleeping dream? There cannot be, since whatever appears to be a mortal man is a mortal dream. Take away the mortal mind, and matter has no more sense as a man than it has as a tree. But the spiritual, real man is immortal." Mary Baker Eddy 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Tribes and Oneness

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Today my thoughts have repeatedly turned to tribes and the cocoon in which I feel wrapped, here in Eureka Springs. There are any number of groups of people I feel a deep kinship toward, but (as in high school) there is no limiting identity with any one. I remember when my boys and I moved here almost 25 years ago. It was to attend the Clear Spring School. One of the mothers told me this school was a way of life, and I soon found out what she meant. We worked together to raise money to keep the school viable, and leaned on each other for child care and support in every avenue of life. This was a total-immersion situation unlike any other I’ve encountered. In the past, I have loved our metaphysical group and my Eureka Thyme family; now I feel a deep kinship with the two churches where I play keyboards and the choirs I accompany, along with the duplicate bridge community, our Course in Miracles group, and my book club. Every day our lives expand to include others we meet. And this practice of non-duality we study opens us to the universal family fluttering just out of sight! Life is Good! 

"Selfishness tips the beam of human existence towards the side of error, not towards Truth. Denial of the oneness of Mind throws our weight into the scale, not of Spirit, God, good, but of matter." Mary Baker Eddy 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

What Do I Want?

photo credit: Steve Shogren
I want to write about the Kurds and how they do the unspeakable in the name of honor. I want to write about our president and his cohorts, and what they do in the name of greed and power. I want to write about my acquaintances, who are still defending the dishonesty in our government; also the conservatives who have realized there is no conservation in their chosen political party. I want to write about the pain of those who love goodness and truth; who cry out for full disclosure, no matter who may fall in this facing of facts, knowing this is the only way to reclaim the lofty ideals of our founding fathers. I want to write about the slaves who were abused by those founders, and the aftermath of our self-righteous bigotry. But I’d rather write about the new earth this cleansing will bring us, the beauty left in the aftermath of this torment, and the love we have not forgotten.

“How willing are you to forgive your brother? How much do you desire peace instead of endless strife and misery and pain? These questions are the same, in different form. Forgiveness is your peace, for herein lies the end of separation and the dream of danger and destruction, sin and death; of madness and of murder, grief and loss. This is the ‘sacrifice’ salvation asks, and gladly offers peace instead of this.” A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Falling off the Vegan Wagon

photo credit: Aaron Springston
A few years back, I decided to stop eating meat. I was invited to dinner at a friends house, along with three others. When I had been to this man's home before, it was for the salons we created and attended for 10 months, so it was easy to bypass the meat in the buffet line, hence I had not mentioned I was vegetarian. This particular evening was more formal, as he was introducing himself to his neighbors, who also happened to be artists I knew from my gallery. There was no serve-yourself, and he set in front of me a huge slab of meat and a few carrots and asparagus spears. I thought of my options: not eat the meat and hurt his feelings, or do as Jesus advised his disciples and eat what is put before you, which I did. Tonight I was at a gathering of our Course in Miracles group and a woman mentioned that she had fallen off the vegan wagon and had a hamburger. She looked at me and said she remembered the above story when I told it at a previous meeting, and it brought her peace, keeping her from beating herself up over her food choice. It caused me to realize we're all doing the best that we can, and at any given time that best is different! Let's all be gentle with ourselves, and others, remembering to be kind rather than right.

"The fact is, food does not affect the absolute Life of man, and this becomes self-evident, when we learn that God is our Life. Because sin and sickness are not qualities of Soul, or Life, we have hope in immortality, but it would be foolish to venture beyond our present understanding, foolish to stop eating until we gain perfection and a clear comprehension of the living Spirit. In that perfect day of understanding, we shall neither eat to live nor live to eat." Mary Baker Eddy 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Perfectly Imperfect

photo credit: Aaron Springston
One of my favorite essay writers is named Robert Klose. For the past 20 years or so, I’ve followed his single parenting of two adopted boys, seen him through many nature adventures in Maine, and realized we are kindred spirits. Today I read a piece called “Perfectly at home with imperfection”. He talks of going to buy a canoe and seeing one priced so low he had to ask, "What’s wrong with it?" The salesman replied, “She don’t float right”. “I’ll take it!”, he said. He found he had to sit to the left side to compensate, but he’s very happy with that. He bought a window that had a bubble in the glass, and it shone like a jewel in the sunlight. He states that if you get something in perfect condition, you are disappointed, perhaps even feel betrayed, when it gets a dent or imperfection from regular wear and tear. I’m with him on these things! As he said, “How wonderful is the world of the imperfect!”

"Mortal thought transmits its own images, and forms its offspring after human illusions." Mary Baker Eddy 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Tough Decisions

photo credit: Nick Franchi
Out of all the tough decisions we must make in this world, one of the most difficult is to have a pet put to sleep. No one wants to do this. But no one wants their beloved friend to suffer either. Perhaps believing there is no death makes this easier, do you think? I read an interpretation of the commandment “thou shalt not kill” which said it actually meant “thou cannot kill”. I rather like that one! The energy which we are continues on forever, although perhaps not in the form we like to imagine. Reincarnation, life continuing in another form, a different plane of reality, an alternate universe — well, we have many ideas of what the afterlife may hold — or not! And so what of humans? Is this decision all right for dogs but not for me? More people are accepting the alternative of right to death laws which have been enacted in some states. Death seems as individual as life, and I’m not sure there is a blanket answer for what is right and wrong. But I know what feels right, and I hope to not be frightened of it.

“In the illusion of death, mortals wake to the knowledge of two facts: (1) that they are not dead; (2) that they have but passed the portals of a new belief.” Mary Baker Eddy 

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Vietnam Memorial
photo credit: Aaron Springston
Most of us have an idea of what we would like to happen with our bodies once they are no longer animated by our thoughts. We may want to be buried in a casket or cremated; we may want a headstone telling who we were, or maybe we want our ashes buried in the flower garden. I’ve spent a lot of time walking in cemeteries and they are fascinating places. I wonder about the people’s stories and who loved them enough to make these lasting memorials. Nowadays, there are Facebook pages devoted to those who are gone, with people remembering their birthdays and “heavenly birthdays” and sharing other memorials. Whatever the remembrance, it’s all an expression of the love manifested in their lives. I wish I’d given my parents more flowers when they were here, and I’m grateful that my sweet son picks bouquets for me when he sees a pretty stand of wildflowers. Every loving kindness is a tribute to Life, don’t you think? Moment by moment, memories are made and love is shared.

"Thou to whose power our hope we give, 
     Free us from human strife. 
Fed by Thy love divine we live,
     For Love alone is life;
And life most sweet, as heart to heart
Speaks kindly when we meet and part."
Mary Baker Eddy - the poem, Love.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Truth Marches On

My parents, Bryan and Anita Havens
circa 1935
Fifty years ago my favorite album of all time was released: Abbey Road by the Beatles. And I have dear friends in town for their 50th class reunion this weekend. While I could be amazed by the way a lifetime passes by in a heartbeat, I’ve chosen to remember the simple ways my parents taught me to live. Even though it wasn’t very exciting to be an only child of older Christian Science parents, I am extremely grateful for the education I received at their hands. For years we bought nothing other than flour and sugar; everything else was raised and canned or frozen. I learned how to grow food and how to drive an old Chevy truck with three gears in the column. I learned to love reading and spent many hours hiding in the back field with my dog. But I also remember that they fell for the “poison is safe” rhetoric pushed on us by the pesticide companies. I have vivid memories of my daddy with one of those hand-pump sprayers full of poison, chasing the flies away from the watermelon at a picnic. But they also showed me how to be content, to know a loving God, and to be grateful for everything. This is why I look back at the last five decades with a smile of thanks. I’m certain they would have learned to be better stewards of the land today than they were then — just as I try harder every day.

"You may know when first Truth leads by the fewness and faithfulness of its followers. Thus it is that the march of time bears onward freedom's banner. The powers of this world will fight, and will command their sentinels not to let truth pass the guard until it subscribes to their systems, but Science, heeding not the pointed bayonet, marches on." Mary Baker Eddy 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Treat Yourself as Well as Your Neighbor

Mongolian Mountaintop
photo credit: Aaron Springston
I know someone who is being asked to move from her current apartment. She has been quite upset over this major life change and every day I hear a different problem and the improbability of its resolution. She is stuck in a helpless, hopeless mode and it’s become quite the drama for her. Today’s worry was how much work it would be to move and she didn’t know if she could face it. Now, this woman is extremely involved in helping at her church and projects with other friends and acquaintances. She has the energy and drive which marks a true go-getter. It suddenly came to me that she should treat herself as well as she does everyone else. If she was helping someone else move, she’d have the joy and energy which could transform a chore into a happening! I made her promise to imagine a friend in need, and see herself helping. When she crosses my mind, I’ll see her as happily expectant!

“A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor's worth simultaneously.” A Course in Miracles

Thursday, October 3, 2019

An Informed Citizenry

Workshop at Writers' Colony
Extra, extra, read all about it! Spread the good news! These sayings bring certain things to mind; things we may not think of nowadays when we pick up our phones and see the Apple News headlines. I used to get morning news from the radio. When my boys were small, I'd listen to the radio while we ate breakfast, but then I realized how horridly sensational most of it was, so I stopped listening. The Today Show was my mother's favorite, but most television news has gone the way of gossip magazines and such. More and more, we depend upon each other for news. I know I can trust my former newspaper man's take on the news, and I count on him to inform me when I'm not strong enough to do it myself. In talking to him, I've realized how important it is for each of us to educate ourselves and pass it on. So let's read, listen, learn, and then write! Write letters to the editor, or post your take on things to social media -- heck, pass out leaflets if you must!  And may we all heed Thomas Jefferson's words: "Good government flourishes in the sunshine, and our nation's founders knew that. 'A press that is free to investigate and criticize the government is absolutely essential in a nation that practices self-government and is therefore dependent on an educated and enlightened citizenry.'" 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Give A Good Day!

A dear friend gave some fine advice: Instead of worrying about having a good day, put your attention on giving a good day. What a wonderful perspective this gives to life! It also reminded me of something that happened when my gallery was open. People would ask how my day had been and I’d say, Great! Almost always they were referring to whether I’d made a lot of sales, which never factored into my answer. One day, a lady brought a stained glass ornament up and showed me that it was broken. I thanked her and she said, I’m so sorry to ruin your day. Of course, I laughed. If I had to make money to make my day, or if a broken item would ruin my day — well, most days would be so-so at best! Thank you dear heart-centered friend for the wonderful saying, which I will now use: Are you giving a great day today?

“Protect all things you value by the act of giving them away, and you are sure that you will never lose them. What you thought you did not have is thereby proven yours. Yet value not its form. For this will change and grow unrecognizable in time, however much you try to keep it safe. No form endures. It is the thought behind the form of things that lives unchangeable.” A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Just Breathe

What a difference a day makes! I've been encouraging a dear friend who has been going through tough times, feeling suicidal, hopeless, deeply sad. Something shifted in her attitude yesterday and today she's almost happy again! I encourage everyone who is feeling depressed, or desperate, to know there is an end to it. Plant some flowers, even if you have no energy. Take a walk, even if you want to stay in bed. Get some sunshine, even if you'd rather stay in a deeply-curtained room. Talk to friends, when you're rather be alone. Watch a funny movie, even if you want to cry. But don't be afraid to cry, and savor every moment of the grief. It, too, is life. Feel everything to its ultimate end. Be grateful for all these things, and remember to breathe.

"Love propagates anew the higher joys of Spirit, which have no taint of earth. Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love." Mary Baker Eddy 

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Stretch Out Your Senses

Digital art by Camille Campbell All the Hemispheres Leave the familiar for a while. Let your senses and bodies stretch out Like a welcomed s...