Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Every Thought Is Important

Many of my writings have to do with our connectivity and the blessing of all by that of one. This web of consciousness came to mind when I heard the U.S. president say that what happens in Syria doesn’t matter here. Actually, the first thing I thought about was how years of throwing away plastic bags (which seemed an inconsequential act) has turned into an integral part of a huge environmental crisis. That, of course, led thought to all the other ways we can turn away from horrendous happenings and declare it has nothing to do with us, or say we can’t do anything to stop it, or simply cry and tell our friends how awful whatever it is may be. Everything affects everyone and everything else! Even if I have no physical resources to affect change in the way Melinda Gates is doing, there is a part I can and will play. Every thought is important. Will mine be on the side of Love, finding solutions to imbalances, or will they feed fear and hatred, weighing us down? As Marianne Williamson repeatedly says: When hatred is shouting, it’s not enough for love to whisper! 

"Truth has no consciousness of error. Love has no sense of hatred. Life has no partnership with death. Truth, Life, and Love are a law of annihilation to everything unlike themselves, because they declare nothing except God." Mary Baker Eddy 

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