Monday, October 21, 2019

Acceptance ...

I know a woman who compliments others so much they become embarrassed. She does it to such an extent it seems as though it may be a form of ridicule. I’ve been paying attention when she does this to me and a couple of other people. At first, I thought perhaps she wanted friends, then I thought she may want compliments herself, then I thought she might be compensating for being a rather hateful person — well, I’m not sure why this behavior is occurring, but I’ve begun to converse with her the same way I would anyone with an outlandish view of any kind: I ask her questions. It seems she has been ostracized by her children, she has never had a job, and she has a strong sense of being better than everyone, hence she thinks everyone is jealous of her. Wow! How interesting it is to listen to folks rather than avoiding them because they make you uncomfortable! Every time I think of her, I shall send her Ho’oponopono. 

"Make fast your learning now, and understand you but waste time unless you go beyond what you have learned to what is yet to learn. For from this lowest point will learning lead to heights of happiness, in which you see the purpose of the lesson shining clear, and perfectly within your learning grasp." A Course in Miracles

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